What do you want for your one precious Art life in 2023?

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What do you want for your one precious Art life in 2023?

What do you want for your one precious Art life in 2023?

What do you want for your one precious Art life in 2023?

Hello creative soul, 

What do you want for your one precious Art life in 2023?

Do you want to wake up each morning and be swept away by life’s to-do’s, putting out one fire after another?

And reliving that same life each day? …

Or do you want to live a purposeful life, using your immense gifts fully, in celebration of life’s magnificence?

Leonie Dawson in her new workbook, My Brilliant Year, shows that 80% of people don’t even think about what they want for their dream life.

But 3% of people journal or write their dreams down.

And 1% write them AND read them regularly – these are among the people who get what they want in life. Or should I say, CREATE what they want in life.

As we move towards winter solstice, the darkest time of the year, we have the opportunity to go within, become quiet and use this peaceful time to write about what you want for 2023.

This moment is here for you now, to point your compass towards your creativity and finally realize your Art dream.

All you have to do is choose it.

Good boundaries are something that successful Artists have.

When you are purposeful and choose your Art, a door opens to opportunities will start appearing to support your dream.

Like this message.

The fact that you are even here reading this, means the opportunity is here for you, and your Art is possible. 

Your thoughts, and the DREAMS you write down are the first step towards opening the door to our greatest Art year in 2023.

“You have to dream it to live it.”

**Let this message be the opening of your creative door. **

And if you have any doubts that you are good enough, or can do this, I’m here to tell you YOU CAN. If all of these women can do it, so can you.

They all started by booking an Art Breakthrough Call with me. Today I’m inviting you to do so too. Just click here to book your call. Please note these calls are only for women who are ready to be committed, invest in themselves, and be coachable. Please don’t book a call with me if you are just looking for free information. …But if you’re one of the ones who wants your Art now, I can get you there.

I help women on their creative journey to open that door and start making their greatest Art, feel more confident and happy, and start living their lives as professional-quality Artists.

I help them get over their lifelong creative blocks, and give them my proven process to unlock their Artist within.

We do what Art School can’t do, and years of classes can’t do.

If you want this level of support to make 2023 the year of YOUR ART, you can book your call with me here.

If that’s you, I can’t wait to talk with you!

With love,

PS. Scroll down to see what my latest students have to say…


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