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5 Shifts My Students are Using to go from Dreaming about their Art, to Showing & Selling
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What Makes Your Art Unique

What Makes Your Art Unique with Kellie Day

This video is taken from my Transform Your Art Facebook Group for women who want to go from Dabbling in art, to creating Professional Quality Paintings

Do you feel like you have something special to share with the world, but you’re not sure what it is?

If you’re timid or doubtful about what’s beautiful about YOU, you’re going to stay hidden with your art.

Or if you’re trying to fit into someone else’s formula for painting, you’ll be stuck with your paintings looking like theirs.

The process of creating art is about discovering what’s unique about YOU. So if you feel like you have talents and beauty in your heart, and you want to learn how to bring out what’s meaningful to you…

I’m going to give you 4 KEY TIPS to start tuning in to making your own art unique.

ONE – Embrace the loveliness in you: both the things you LIKE about yourself, and the things you DON’T. If you embrace these inner shadows, or the things we don’t like about ourselves, they can make our art stand out more than anything.

For example, I’m super messy and kind of a bull in a China shop – I worked in the field for years fighting fire for the US Forest Service, carrying a chain saw, and surveying line in grizzly bear country in Alaska. I’m not delicate and neither is my art is not delicate. When I noticed all the drips and messes, and bold images, I embraced that, and it’s become part of my style.

This is a BIG part of what I do with the women I mentor – we dig into who you ARE, what makes you unique as a person – this is the first step.

TWO – Next, how do you translate those unique elements about YOU into your art? It’s about finding a process for expressing these unique things about yourself onto canvas. And this is what I share with my students – I guide them to express that on canvas.

THIRD – You’ve GOTTA believe in yourself. You have to believe you have something WORTHWHILE TO SHARE. This is the key ingredient of the women I work with who end up making a body of work and doing a show with just a few months. Their success happens REALLY FAST because they believe in themselves. So if you’re not believing in yourself, you’re going to be hiding those gifts that the world needs for the rest of your life.

This is a lifetime struggle for soooo many women – it’s about knowing how to heal that inner child and being vulnerable enough to share yourself with the world.

FOURYou have to keep going. If you haven’t painted in a while, or you’ve been out of touch with your art for decades, you’re going to have to make a lot of paintings to unearth what’s unique about you. It’s a process of DISCOVERY.

With every painting you’re going to notice elements of your style more and more. And some of these paintings are going to be great, and some are going to be crap.

But you have to keep painting and not give up when you are disappointed with your crappier paintings. Because with each painting you learn something VALUABLE, and the only people who don’t succeed are the ones who give up.

If you’re making paintings and getting frustrated because you’re not seeing what’s unique about you, and if you want to make your style happen THIS YEAR, and even start showing and selling THIS YEAR, I can help.

I’ve set aside a few slots on my calendar this week to talk with women who are ready to make their style happen THIS YEAR. If that’s you, you can book a call with me at kelliedayart.com/booking . Please note these calls are ONLY for women who are financially and emotionally stable, and ready to get the help they need to do this NOW. Do not book a call with me if you are just looking for free information.

You can do this in 2019. And if you want it really bad, I can show you how to make it happen by scheduling with me here.

Happy painting!

p.s. Scroll down to see a few words from my most recent grad…

What Makes Your Art Unique with Kellie Day


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