Virtual Art Mentoring Course

Transform Your Art – Virtual Art Mentoring Program
If you’re ready to transform your Art to the next level, this course is for you!
Whether you are an experienced painter looking to break through to new levels, or a dabbler, this is the complete journey to becoming a professional-quality painter.
You’ll open up to:
• How to re-light your spirit, get inspired, and begin a daily Artist routine to live the rest of your life as an Artist.
• How to begin paintings in a joyful, playful way, and get out of your head!
• How to work through challenges in your painting and finish them professionally.
• How to use mixed media including collage, paint and more to build captivating paintings that are professional quality.
• How to start to hone in on your own unique style, and discover what you have to share in this world, that’s unique to YOU.
• How to have an Artist mindset and build your confidence so you can finally believe you’re GOOD ENOUGH.
• … and even how to start selling. Even if you haven’t painted in decades.
This is much more than an Art class and a series of art lessons. It is a rich immersion in finding inspiration with your own unique artistic voice – and finally living your life as a professional quality Artist.
All of this in 6 Weeks – Welcome to Transform Your Art
This Transform Your Art Virtual Art Mentoring Program uses the same proven process as my personal Mentoring program, and was designed to give you access so that ALL women can experience these profound, life-changing methods. For 6 weeks, you’re going to learn my lifelong recipe for creating beautiful, joyful Art, getting back in the flow, sharing your soul in a meaningful way, busting through your fears, and start painting with your own voice ... plus so much more!
A private Facebook Group where you can post your paintings, and I'll check in on you – (priceless)
Surprise Bonus: How to Book your Show, Price and Sell your Art –($997 value!)
PLUS so much more! This is a holistic approach to nurture your creative spirit.
Find your joy and your flow in painting, like Jodi, Magdalene, Barbara and so many more ...

Make paintings you love, like Marg, Carrie, Darla, and so many more women like you ...

Learn to believe in yourself and call yourself an Artist, like Diane, Lee, Mary Anne, RuthAnn and so many more ...

Learn to show your Art too! Like these Kathleen, Carla, Ruth, Kelly and so many more ...

Join the Transform Your Art Virtual Art Mentoring program
AND GET THE COMPLETE 6 WEEK PROGRAM - You'll have immediate access and can do the course at your own pace.
• PLUS a PRIVATE Facebook Group with a supportive community!
• PLUS the Surprise Bonus: How to Book your Show, Price and Sell your Art – ($997 value)
©2023 Kellie Day ART