Are you afraid you have nothing to say with your Art?
March 7, 2024
Finding Inspiration: Tips to Energize Your Painting Finish
April 2, 2024
Me and Kathleen after a morning painting session
If you’re like most of the women I work with, you’ve been out of touch with your painting for a long time. And that’s painful.
You feel like something’s missing, that you’re incomplete, that your life is less sparkly than it could be.
Oftentimes we feel like we’re not giving anything important back to the world.
You see, as artists, we have something hardwired inside of us. When we’re not spending time in our art on a regular basis, we feel like our whole life is just not as exciting, as fulfilled as it should be.
We feel like we’re just checking the boxes in our lives, making the dinner, doing our jobs, helping others around us, when what we really need is that influx of joy, of expression, of doing something that makes us feel fulfilled, FREE, and complete.
If what I just said describes you, I want to tell you that you matter, your art matters, and creating can be the solution to many of the feelings you’re struggling with in your life.
The reason you see SO many success stories from me is because I work with women *personally*. That just doesn’t happen with the other art classes you see advertised right now.
Even if the other teachers schedule group calls, they aren’t coaching you personally.
But it’s the personal coaching with an expert mentor (someone who’s been there and knows how to get YOU there), that will unlock everything in you. This is someone who will:
- Look at your paintings EVERY WEEK with you
- Help you work through the scary phase when you’re painting isn’t looking so good
- Guide you to know those tools that take your paintings from good to GREAT
- Show you what’s unique and special about YOU so you can make paintings that reflect who you are
- … And then when you’re doing all that, I teach you to show and sell your work.
It’s this personal, expert mentoring that’s the crucial element. It unlocks the biggest success in women.
On the call, I’ll get to know you and your art, and if it feels right, we can talk about the details of how I can potentially help you.
With love and creativity,
PS. Scroll down to read some of those success stories…