Thanks! Talk Soon
PS. Please make sure to add me ([email protected]) to your address book so you get information about your upcoming call!
Next steps for your Art call ...
I can't wait to meet you
To prepare for your art call, all you need is:
- Mark your calendar and reserve some quiet time
- Bring a notebook and something to write with
- If you have extra time, visualize your dream art life, and feel what your heart really wants creatively
That's it! In the meantime feel free to get inspired with the Tips and Videos here:
Or scroll down to read client success stories.
See you soon!

Our Art Success Stories
From Fear and Rejection to Confidently Painting and Selling
Caroline had been painting her floral pieces for five years, and had some success selling at local art shows. But she couldn’t stop struggling with her fear of rejection. It was holding her back in her art. Within just six weeks, Caroline worked through her blocks and began to see her failures as a way to progress. She became more confident about herself – not just as an artist, but in all aspects of her life, and now feels confidence to paint more expressively with her own voice. She has three upcoming shows!
How Andrea Broke Through Being Stuck to Create a Meaningful Series and Start Selling
Andrea always wanted to develop her artistic side. She was doing the same thing over and over, and not going anywhere with her Art. She felt really stuck. She had a wonderful husband, a great job and house, but Art was the one thing that was missing in her life.She realized she needed to make a change, that Art was a passion for her that brought her a lot of joy, and she didn’t want to wait any longer. In just a few months, Andrea went from trying to figure her Art on her own, putting everything else first, and being in perfectionism, to having the faith to express her true voice in her Art, create a vibrant series of paintings, and start selling and planning a show.
Waiting her Whole Life to Unlock her Inner Artist – Nathalie's Stunning Journey to Professional, Passionate Painting
Within six weeks, Nathalie went from making slow progress with her Art to selling six paintings! Her paintings have gone from good to great, and she's found how to express her voice in her Art. Listen to her heartfelt journey in this interview.
How Lee Moved Past a Tough Period in Life and Combined her Passions into a Show
ee Bauman found me when she had had a difficult couple of years, and was looking to grow as an artist. Listen to her inspiring story of how she learned how to work through her fears, and believe it was time to finally believe in her art. Within a few months, she discovered how to incorporate her love of music into a body of work, and accepted a serendipitous invitation to have a show.
More Stories ...

JoAnn, Texas
I was in a slump and I didn’t know what to do. I was not painting. I needed to loosen up my style and get out of the artist block I was in. Since I’ve started the course, I’ve moved my art studio, I joined weight watchers, I’m painting more than I have in quite awhile and I completed a commission that I love. I stretched myself in my art and started to enjoy art again. I really enjoyed our weekly critiques. I also enjoyed the journaling. I found out that I could express myself on paper through writing when I was having a bad day and it ultimately helped free me up to create fun art. I'm proud that I successfully completed this course and feel good about the future of my art. ... I've changed my mindset that my paintings do not have to be perfect. I’ve learned to stop and really look at my surroundings. I know now that the only thing I can control is my attitude. If I have a positive attitude, then the rest will follow.

Paula, Colorado
this was the most transformative experience/gift i've given to myself in my adult life. i now see a path forward as an artist and hope that in the third 1/3 of my life, this becomes the center point and that I continue to create and sell art for a long time. i joined because, as a very new artist, i wanted direction, support, feedback and accountability. in January i committed to taking my art more seriously with the outcome goal of seeing what could happen in a year if i committed and dedicated myself to my artwork. simply put i got to experience what it's like to create something that i love and am proud of. since this program i have 7-9 pieces of art that i would be proud to sell right now, i know i can make mistakes and it doesn't ruin anything, i have a website, and i have the confidence to begin selling my art. i am most proud of beginning to see myself, call myself and identify as an artist! that is so huge for me. i am just so excited to see where this goes for me! and I'm so glad i did this program it truly gave me so much confidence as an artist. this was exactly what i needed to take action on my goal of committing to my work.

Sandra, Maine
I am a changed person/artist. I have produced, created more art in the past 2 months than I’ve done in the past 5 years. I have total faith that I have found the path ( with Kellie’s help) to being the accomplished and inspired artist I have dream of. I joined this program because I was ready to take my art to the next level. Now I have a process for maintaining inspiration, multiple projects going at the same time and backgrounds started. I know how to research and plan for future work. I have all the information I need to enter the professional marketplace with a body of work, shows, prints and instagram. ... I now plan to enter some local shows, and get some of my pieces photographed for cards/prints. I’ve painted a series of lighthouses that I’m going to market to their gift shops. I’m also going to put a plan together to approach our library, historical center and a couple of cafes for a solo show. Thanks Kellie, this course is “just what the Dr. ordered”.

Cathy, Ottawa Canada
This course was my retirement gift to myself! My goal was to learn how to make my best art. This was an eye opening and exciting experience for me! I discovered how much my art means to me. For the first time ever, I am making it a priority to spend time every day taking my art journey at least a step further. I have a lot more confidence as an artist ... I've rediscovered how much I love the process of making art, and I loved all of the different techniques you had us try. There will always be something new to learn or try, so this excites me. As you say, I'll have my art for the rest of my life. I am happier and feel a sense of purpose as an artist. I'm putting a lot more effort and time into my art now, and I feel confident that I have what it takes to succeed over time. I used to think of myself as a government worker and communications expert. I turned to this program shortly after I retired. Now I think of myself as an artist who wants to contribute to the artistic community and its body of work. I'm proud of myself for making this investment in my art and myself. I also have a number of ideas for paintings that I want to complete. I've committed to participating in a show in December 2024.

Laura, Tennessee
I am finally back in the studio painting with confidence again. I learned some new techniques but mostly, I learned about maintaining mental strategies for success. I now have concrete strategies to help me achieve success. I sold a painting to an acquaintance. I had gotten stuck for over a year and couldn't finish it. After this course, it was amazing how quickly it came together. I am now making art a priority. ... I'm seeking out art experiences. We have an Art Walk each month. I asked 2 friends to join me last month. I am most proud of myself for maintaining my morning routine, having the courage to take the course and finally doing projects that I am passionate about, but have been putting off. Kellie helped free my mindset and gave me concrete strategies and steps to take to achieve my goal. This was invaluable! It's made a huge shift for me! I now plan to gather a body of work to sell.

Nichole, Illinois
I decided I don't want to waste more time thinking "why didn't I go to art school after high school?" Rather, I wanted to just do it - become the artist that I knew I was supposed to be. I basically needed a kick in the ass, because I was increasingly getting frustrated that my work product wasn't that good, and that made me want to stay away from the studio. In this program I broke through my creative "block". I finished several paintings, and I learned new techniques that I can carry into my art. I am planning to shift my life by taping down my hours until I can comfortably quit . I'm most proud of my self for trying new things... and I'm now committed to painting consistently.

Kieuly, Colorado
I am Feeling more confident as an artist, and now have the ability to express my authentic self verbally and in my artwork. I am letting go of comparing myself to other artists. I learned how to play, to get out of my head and follow my instincts, and especially to embrace my imperfections. My quirks are what makes me unique. I am no longer afraid to voice my fears, my discomfort, my joys, my excitement, and many other human emotions. ... I have also learned to express them in my art...and sometimes, when I'm creating, I learn something invaluable about myself. Now I have an upcoming display for the month of January to prepare for. I have a number of places to email and ask if I can display my art. Lots of opportunities are coming and I'm learning to manage my overwhelm better by making a list of items to get completed by priority.

Audrey, Nevada
I wanted to be able to reconnect to the joy of creating mixed media art; and, to feel more secure in my own artistic voice. Additionally I wanted to create a body of work in preparation for a scheduled September show . These were my goals and I am sooooooooooooooo proud and pleased to have accomplished them!! This was unlike any other art course I have taken in that Kellie created an awesome opportunity through her masterfully designed program for each student to both face and deal with the very real blockages that get in the way of so many artists ... such as a lack of confidence, an inability to experiment and play, painting from your head and not your heart, worrying if folks were going to like what you created rather than you, the artist, liking it, and how to start a painting. I now spend more time in an intuitive flow when I paint! Less time in my head, more time in my heart. This has allowed me to be more courageous and confident. I spend more time in my studio; and, am more excited about going there and more and joyful when I am there! I see myself as a "real" artist now.

Terri, Wisconisn
I was unhappy and floundering – I knew I needed something to push me in the right direction of painting and doing something creative – and not business-related like graphic design. Something that was an expression of me...not what a client wanted. In this program I prioritized my time spent creating, concepting, painting, and being happy. And I found a style and a voice – using materials I would never have tried. I delved into the beliefs that held me back – this was the part that was important in the program, and really made me shift into a different mindset. I have decided to be seen as an artist. I have shifted my thinking from doubt to confidence and clarity. I am proud of myself for putting my work out there. My next step is submitting work to show and to sell. I really liked hearing others speak about their art, how they feel and how they are changing. Those connections were so wonderful .

Lynda, Montreal
For me it's kind of hard to put words on my experience (here) because it goes way beyond the Art aspect it is all the personal growth that goes with this program. I have been able to connect with my intuition and listen to my inner voice while painting, have fun and play, expand, be myself and push some limiting believes about who I am and what I can do and some times being touch by the grace. I have become a better person for myself and with the ones around me by being happier and more joyful and relaxed because I was taking time to practice something (Art) I knew was doing me good. I am a lot more connected with myself and moved by the beauty of things and people including me lol. Kellie helped me by being supportive, patient and listening all along the program about what I was feeling and if there was some places I was feeling stuck all that with the most sweet and loving voice in the whole world. I found in Kellie a person to encourage me and always do positive reinforcement to believe in my talent and give me the desire to continue to play and have fun doing Art.

Susan, Kentucky
I joined this program for several reasons. I wanted to breath new life into my artmaking process. And the idea of a step-by-step FUN process to get get out of my rut was magnetizing. This program has helped me to change my head space about making art, getting out of the critical mindset that was crippling my initiative. With the process that Kellie teaches, I am able to get started on a work straight away without being paralyzed by the white canvas. I have produced a small body of NEW work that I feel good about for my "Artist of the Month" show. And that was the result I was hoping for! First and foremost I feel so MUCH more joy going to my studio now. The hours, minutes & days just fly by because I am in a creative flow state most of the time. I feel confident for the most part that I will be able to finish a piece to my satisfaction. AND, I feel more confident as an artist putting my work into the world to sell.

Renee, Colorado
My experience was very welcoming and not at all what I expected. I have built new friendships and now more so then any other I am connected to more creatives like me. To be able to belong and relate, work through challenges together, and build that inner strength amongst so many other females sharing the same gift is quite the experience and gift. Strength in building confidence and recognizing my skill sets. Learning to recognize who and what I am, being happy and judgment free, constantly developing and working on myself to being happy. This in turn I am conveying in my artwork. I have more light and love and energy then ever. When I speak my words are filled with more excitement. Sharing my journey and process to my friends and family is truly amazing. I have gotten so many compliments on how happy I am now.

Anne, New York
I joined because I wanted to learn new techniques that would allow me to make art grounded in my love of pattern, repeats, bold floral forms and leaf shapes, and also that would support me in 'loosening up' and working/playing more spontaneously, reclaiming the fun I had as a kid. I got what I came for, and more ... I am no longer semi-blocked and procrastinatory about making time to create art. I experience 'flow': that combination of feeling challenged and enjoyment simultaneously. I am learning to trust my aesthetics/sense of beauty and this keeps me perpetually inspired; ideas for new paintings come to me easily and from sources all around me. I perceive the world as a feast of visual color, texture, line, light and shadow. This is a good way to live! I feel like I have reclaimed my ability to perceive the world as an artist, I feel like I can rightfully call myself an artist, something I always wanted. I am most proud of myself for allowing myself to stop trying to figure it out/push thru creative blocks on my own and accept support! ... Kellie more than an art teacher; Kellie is an Art Medicine Woman.

Sherri, Texas
I joined this program to develop my personal style and learn mixed media techniques that I can apply to any art project that interests me. My confidence in my ability has grown - I'm putting myself out there - booking shows and local art walks. I've sold 11 paintings since I started and three of those were done during this program, using these techniques! I am doing my own work that doesn't look like anyone elses! Now I feel that I can sit down at any moment and make art that I love using these techniques. More importantly, this program has boosted my mindset ... I love the balanced approach to technique and mindset. You can learn the techniques but if your head is not in the right place, it doesn't really matter. Kellie is a strong woman that stands in her power and she brings that out in me too.

Sharon, Florida
I was looking for a mentor to help me loosen up my creative style and to find my joy in creating. Now I find myself wanting to be in my studio all the time to learn and create unfettered by my expectations of what my art should be. I let go and went with the flow that the lessons provided me. I no longer worry when my art is in the “ugly “ stage as I know I will get past it. I enjoyed getting to know the other creative women who were taking the course at the same time as me, their struggles and their triumphs. I truly Got out of my head and I created from my heart. My "Art life" shift happened. I created with joy every time no matter the frustrations I encountered. I am most proud of myself for staying open to learning new creative methods and producing some of the best pieces of my life.

Deb, Ontario
I needed inspiration to “get back “ to art which I have always loved…but life circumstances had taken over my time and if I hadn’t found this particular program I may still have been searching , stagnating and feeling unfulfilled. This program was amazing and need I say..transformative. I felt accountable to my self and to others which was a focus for me and helped me schedule. It was aligned with my own life aspirations and priorities.. I am now recognizing my own style and uniqueness and celebrating that. I am talking about and sharing (my art) with others.. I have new techniques , and am experimenting , forgiving myself and trusting my instincts. My confidence grew in respect to sharing my work and interest. I am setting priorities that this art is important and I will not set it aside again.

Laurie, Denver
I needed to find my voice as an artist. I needed to believe I could find inspiration after retiring and also after being treated for a mood disorder. Since this program my whole lifestyle changed. I am more physically active, more grateful, more positive and more intentional. I am a risk taker, a doer and an artist now! I am far more confident. I am actually physically healthier. I am fulfilled. I have structures, rituals and routines. I have learned more about my skills and next steps. I have found my voice.

Nancy, Indiana
I was very hesitant to keep my initial phone interview- but knew if I didn't, nothing would change, and I definitely wanted things to change. I wanted to once again "do art", build confidence & create a voice, and to hopefully create a stream of income at some point. I wanted accountability, which the incredible mentoring from you provided. I now do art regularly! That is HUGE for me, this, along with having a designated spot to do so, are big life changes! I am loving my time that I create, and how that makes me feel more balanced, like I am not ignoring that nagging itch inside. I also do now believe that creating a stream of income in the future is not just possible, but will happen. The biggest part of this program is the support and interaction, from you, and from the other ladies in the group. The amount of lessons and various methods was also incredible- learning and doing various methods was a fabulous learning experience. I felt my confidence and "looseness" increasing as the program went on. I am most proud of myself for taking this class and showing up despite feeling intimidated at the start. I plan to continue to paint, paint, paint, create, create, create!

Arlene, Toronto Canada
I was feeling very tight in my art, and got to the point where I was paralyzed and couldn't seem to move forward without copying someone else's idea. I could feel I wanted to loosen up, but didn't know how. This program was exactly what I needed at a time when I was ready. It was completely positive, and felt like the support I needed was there. The program offered so many invitations to try new things that opened doors for me that I may not have explored so readily had I not been in the program. This program was a big $ investment for me and that aspect helped to hold me accountable to stay at it with consistency. I now feel very, very free to explore my creativity through art, and am excited to enter into my creative space (physically and emotionally) every time. I have learned tools and process that are repeatable and can be leveraged any time I come up against a challenge (eg fear, insecurity, stuck-ness, etc). I have shown myself I can create art that I love using completely new materials and I know this will open up more exploration going forward. I feel like there is no limit ... This plus tackling my fear and insecurity successfully has led me to feel much freer in my life in general. I feel much more forgiving of myself and overall extremely happy... I am most proud of myself that I took a total leap of faith in Kellie, the program and myself.

Ruth, Arizona
I joined TYA because I felt stuck and lost in my art practice. I knew it could be joyful and exciting but I had no idea how to find my way to that exciting art life I wanted for myself. My experience was immediate joy and excitement. The program got me moving quickly into just what I was looking for - guidance, motivation, a sense of community, and incredible mixed media skills. I woke up every day really excited to get into my studio and create beautiful, exciting, joyful art. My art is the center of my world now. It doesn't just feel like a hobby. I wake up every day thinking about what I will paint and how I will continue to build a body of work. I have created a daily art practice routine. I have pushed out the negative thinking and negative voices. I'm proud of myself for booking my first show. And of course I'm super proud of many of my paintings. The way Kellie guides us through the program with so much positive energy and wisdom is what moves me forward. She is genuine, honest and authentic. I can tell she sincerely cares about all of us and wants to see us succeed. There's a real sense of safety in this program; we can be ourselves, honest & vulnerable, and no one is judging.

Anita, Washington
I wanted to get myself back into art and to actually being creative instead of just thinking about it. This [program] really helped me get into my art room, using the materials, and all without being intimidated which other online art classes I purchased elsewhere don't seem to ever get me to do. Kellie makes this accessible and knows how to help when you are struggling with old habits or limiting beliefs. I now feel like I have access to the creative and fun ways art used to make me feel when I was younger which is a huge blessing. I now don't feel the need to get permission from anyone else to make my art, as I had a lot of struggles with allowing myself creative time when there were always so many responsibilities. I think it has empowered me in many ways and connected me to a vital part of myself that felt closed off and lost and now I have access to.

Sandy, Texas
I don't know what would make this program better. I think Kellie's program is professional. Her attention to helping students find themselves, no matter where they are in their art, and or their personal hang ups that keep them from exploring what they have to offer in the universe. I joined this program to get my art under control. Kellie's classes of actually not just painting and learning new techniques, but also the "how to make art a business" was the right direction I was looking. I got my Art work organized. I have my website set up, and I have a more clear direction of painting that I did not have before. This is critical. Kellie has the best attitude and insight for understanding the needs of her students, she pushed me to focus, do work that was needed to get my mind wrapped around what I wanted and wanted to accomplish from my art. Very rewarding!

Lacie, California
I joined this program because I was in a rut with my art.I had been making art on and off for years, but but still hadn't owned who I was as an artist. I wanted two learn more about how to express myself through my art and loosen up my style. I also wanted a community to inspire me and offer accountability. I also wanted regular input from a professional artist who could offer direction and support. I have loved this program, and it has been an incredible growing experience for me as an artist. I have learned about new mediums, tools and techniques that have infused my art-making with more fun. I have felt Kellie's support and availability as well as her push to help me be as honest as possible with myself about the things that were holding me back. The group Q and A calls helped give me a sense of community along my journey and I always left feeling more inspired to make expressive art. I've learned that selling my art is absolutely possible. I stopped making excuses. I prioritized my art again - like I did when I was in art school - and once again found the joy and fulfillment it brings. I'm not going to give that up again; it's too important.

Barbara, Maryland
This program was an eye opening, spirit lifting, knowledge building and competence supporting program. It took me from 0 to 100 in making my art a priority in my life. I wanted to make my life complete and stop resisting happiness. I’ve always considered myself as an artist but after college I never made it a priority. I joined this program because I made a commitment to make art and creating a priority in my life. This program has helped me with this transition and has transformed me into the artist I’ve always wanted to be! Kellie has made a huge difference in my life in so many ways but the number 1 thing was to look at what was making me stuck and removing those things so I could open myself up to all the possibilities that were waiting for me. My life has been totally transformed. This program reintroduced me to the joy that comes into my spirit when making art!

Charla, Texas
My Art has been a huge missing piece that is being let out. The entire program created by Kellie helped me. Her encouragement and candor are invaluable. I now have the Freedom to be me and do the work regardless of the feelings. I'm leaning into and trusting the process. My Art was a part of me, but was always thrown in the background. I didn't have skills and know what to do. I was constantly second guessing myself you know, Who do you think you are/You can't do this. It became very important to access what was calling out from my heart inside of me. I decided I owe it to myself to do it. I saw Kellie on facebook and I called Kellie and we decided to work together... Instead of putting it on a shelf and waiting ’til later, you know I’m 60, and later is now. If it’s in there – don’t wait. I know there's other programs out there. There's nothing better out there than what Kellie does. I got a lot more out of it than what I paid for. It was so worth it, I would pay twice to do it again.

Cyndi, Tennessee
This has been a great experience and worth the time and effort. I am so glad I said, "YES" to myself! I now have the confidence to create art and call myself an artist. I learned lots of new techniques and stretched myself to paint freely from my intuition instead of trying to be "perfect". I am most proud of myself for being able to call myself an artist and saying "YES" to me! I am now working on my plan to start sharing my art and teaching workshops. I hope to also get the retreat going in the near future.

Karen, Colorado
I wanted to take my art to the next level and see if I had what it takes to sell. I learned a lot about who I am as an artist, I pushed my boundaries to discover methods that I enjoy. I improved my self-confidence as an artist, and I have the ability to move forward with selling my art. I learned more about my vulnerabilities, hesitations and self-confidence. The videos and calls helped me throw away my fears and become a more confident artist. I am most proud of myself for putting myself out there and not letting my fears of what people will think get in the way. Kellie's focus on mindset was a huge booster for me. Her words of wisdom really resonated. That is what starts the train moving. Once you have that, the rest was easier to visualize and act upon. The only thing that would make this program better is to make it last forever!

Chrystene, Ohio
I was in a mentoring group, but despite the great feedback I wasn't really pushing forward and was struggling to find my own style. I hoped that by joining this program I could bring it all together. It turns out that this program is solid. The structure was exactly what I needed. The group calls were wonderful and informative. The internet is a sea of information. Good, bad, and somewhere in between. Without someone to guide me I could easily become overwhelmed, waste time, and money. The pacing of the program is excellent. My goal was to create art from my own perspective and start to develop my own voice. I have some unique mark making. Second I wanted to create a series. I learned that a series doesn't have to be anything heavy or serious. It can just be fun and that is okay. Right now I am painting foxes. My third goal was to decide to leave my job, part-time, etc. I am still working this out, and I have a couple of leads. Kellie helped me recognize that to survive in this business I can't just paint pretty pictures. I have to make art that comes from my heart and connects with people.

Chris, Ohio
I joined this program to "loosen up” and grow more confident as an artist; to learn practical aspects of selling my art. My experience was excellent! To my surprise the emotional shift outweighed the practical knowledge. The techniques and strategies were great, but discovering, confronting, and clearing my mental roadblocks was astounding. It’s work I will continue! ... I am using it as a launching point for new areas to improve mentally, spiritually, and as a result, creatively. I have confidence that I am an artist (hear that, 8th grade art teacher?!). I realize of the depths of the self-imposed rigidity that is holding me back, and I know it’s okay to take time to work on myself and my art before I worry about making a business of it. Actually, it’s vital. Kellie was a great steadying voice of experience and reason. She had really helpful advice about improving artwork, but she also continually emphasized the personal practices needed to nourish the creative voice. So radically different than the common “Let me show you how to paint like me” courses available.

Sandra, Florida
Through working with Kellie I've achieved Confidence in my art and myself. It has opened my eyes to the many different avenues to share/sell my artwork. I have definitely finished this program with my expectations fulfilled! I have learned many new techniques, along with experiencing working with quality products. I feel motivated and confident in the art I am producing! I've gained a massive amount of knowledge AND I've met so many wonderful woman along the way. Feeling grateful for it all... I feel extremely proud for taking a leap of faith in myself and not blinking an eye about the expense of the program. This is something I wanted and I trusted my instinct to go for it after meeting Kellie. I'm not rich, but in the end "I FEEL RICH". I truly believe what I've obtained from these lessons are worth every penny and then some. Kellie is working with us from knowledge. Her show and tell way of training is very easy to follow. She is an awesome artist that sells her work for high dollar amounts and she gives a step by step training to help anyone do the same.

Lori, Texas
I used to enjoy making art and had, through life and hardship lost my way. I joined this program to get help getting back into producing art. I also needed to be able to make time and desire to make art and use my gifts to create. I also wanted to find an outlet for all of the completed pieces I have sitting around just taking up space and making me feel like a failure.... Now I am letting my time for creating art have priority and having an enjoyable experience while creating art. Kellie helped me realize the importance of giving to myself the permission to create! I am one who has given my all to others for years and did not realize the extent of self deprivation I had reached. ... Now I feel better about making my art and less pressure to produce. I am spending more time making art.

Laura, Atlanta
I was stuck and not wanting to paint or create. I was feeling fearful. Since this program I am feeling more confidence and fearlessness. I am creating like never before and finding so much joy in it. Which attracts other people, it's contagious! It's felt in the artwork. I'm not taking myself so seriously anymore. I'm putting my work out there and letting people see it. Letting them see me... I now have several commissions to complete. I will keep creating and add to my series and promote and sell on my website. Kellie is so support and keeps you encouraged and helps you realize you are not alone in your feelings. My big goal is working towards a gallery show next.

Teri, California
I joined this program to get inspired, get out of my rut and to discover new techniques and find more fun in my process. I learned many techniques and tools, lots of self care, and how to love the journey. I gained appreciation for myself, my process and hold to be bold and get over my hurdles. I now have more care and gentleness for myself and my art process. I am allowing myself to have fun in the journey. Kellie helped me move forward by getting through my big hurdle of fear of messing up in the early stages. Now I am planning to finish more paintings, start sharing on social sites, and then a show early next year.

Suzanne, Portland
I needed a ' jump start' on my painting due to procrastination and lack of confidence. I wanted some new skills, techniques. I wanted to know the steps and tips on getting into a gallery. I wanted feedback from a professional. .. I felt i was given everything i wanted and more. I have loved and appreciated all of the lessons. They have moved me far out of my comfort zone into discovery. I really enjoyed the group calls; meeting other artists and receiving feedback. My attitude toward myself and my art is greatly improved; my passion and desire has been ignited; i have learned a myriad of ways to start a painting and to take risks as I keep going. I feel fulfilled with a passion for a hobby which could possibly become a profession. I am the most proud of myself for investing in myself; for deciding "I'm worth it".

Kate, Michigan
I joined the program because I had read how important it is to have an art mentor. I also joined because I had a lack of self-confidence in my artistic ability and had an incredibly difficult time finishing paintings. Kellie helped in so many ways. She helped me gain self-confidence in my art. I was never quite sure if I had anything to contribute to the art world and Kellie showed me that I in fact do. She also helped me get over my fear of perfectionism and just have fun with my art. I also learned how important it is to acknowledge when my inner self critic was blocking me from making art and how important it is to focus on positivity. I have finished more paintings in eight weeks than I have in the last year. I learned and gained so much during the program. I finally feel like a "real" artist .

Diane, New York
I joined Kellie's program to put myself first and finally start the art life I've always wanted. I wanted and needed guidance and techniques, support and business pointers. I also needed to have a place where I have accountability. I experienced a tremendous learning curve in terms of finding my voice. I'm still working on it, but now I know it's there. I've also gained confidence enough to say "I'm an artist" when I'm asked what I "do". The mindset parts of the course meant a lot to me, and so did the actual art work in terms of putting myself out there for all to see. I stopped being afraid of what others might think of my work, and I began to be true to myself and what I like/love.

Amy, Ohio
I wanted to learn how to find my own artistic voice and how to develop it. In the program I enjoyed learning all the various pathways to start going my own way. The training technique videos, the lessons building on each other week by week offered a steadying hand to help me grow. I’m learning how to kick perfectionism to the curb and let myself be the artist I know I am, and “how to play” creatively and how to follow my intuition in art making. My priorities have changed along with my attitude towards myself as an artist. I can’t do everything but I can make adjustments where I need to in order to support myself as an artist. I am most proud of myself for taking the risk and making the serious investments of time and treasure to make MYSELF as ARTIST a priority. Facing down my own fears and self judgements is a monumental achievement. Kelli helped so much by sharing her techniques for sidestepping the “inner critic”, by helping to identify the true nature of artistic blocks and offering real options for taking action to move beyond what I thought were my limits. Her insights and encouragement are her superpowers.

Jill, Florida
After hurricane Dorian destroyed our life of 25 years in the Bahamas in 2019, we moved back to Florida. My painting was flat. It was hard to finish anything. I had no enthusiasm for the work, and it felt artificial and forced, hardly worth the effort. At Kellie's suggestion, I totally immersed myself in the mindset exercises and tried to deal with the new materials. Almost every day was filled with the course... and Week by week, it began to come together. I am most proud of myself for sticking with it! Trusting the process. Reaching a NEW place - not just finding joy in painting as before, but more of a completely new plateau of the experience of painting, which features excitement, the fun of discovering ...I truly am seeing better - creative thoughts are much more common than ever before. I have banished the negative voice - okay, MOSTLY, but it's much better now, and replace her with a happy, confident one. I knowing that I CAN get into an intuitive zone and just lose myself in it. And I'm learning how to move through being stuck in a painting. The way Kellie laid out the course is brilliant!

Eva, Washington
Painting was in my heart from early on in my childhood. I just never had a real opportunity to pursue it. Deep inside me I always had a feeling that I could do more. Now with Kellie's help that feeling has burst out of me and I won't let it sink back anymore. I'm so happy while I paint, when the right idea hits me, when I finish my piece and show it to my family and their faces light up. That's my goal, my dream: to make others happy, feel relaxed, forget their worries for a little while, and be an inspiration to do art or find a way to express themselves. Now I listen to my feelings more confidently and paint from my heart ... I'm much more calm when I face any kind of challenges in my everyday life. Because of that, I make my choices and come up with solutions much easier. I'm more patient with myself and everybody around me. I'm more efficient in my everyday chores, because I want to spend as much time as possible painting. Kellie is not only a very talented artist, she is a very genuine person who has a wonderful way of connecting with people, understanding their struggles and getting through to them. Her emotional support is amazing.

Judi, Nova Scotia
My reason (s) for reaching out to Kellie Day Art was to develop my love of painting to a higher level of joy and freedom. To wake up my sense of inspiration and to eventually paint for profit. I now give myself attention and more self love. -I am worthy. I take the time to look at my surroundings with appreciation. I keep an open mind for inspiration for a painting idea. I am no longer feeling anxious about painting. I include some aspect of painting in my DAILY life. I am most proud of myself for creating paintings that are mine and not painfully trying to copy a picture of something. ...and loving the end result. I have a love for every painting I have completed in this course.

Erin, Ohio
This was a very stressful year, and making time for myself was a priority. Living by myself, I tend to give/support others in my job a lot and I made time to be thankful and acknowledge myself. I joined this program to find my purpose in my painting and learn how I could eventually market my artwork. I loved the challenging assignments and getting out of my comfort zone. Having support with others was very helpful. I am most proud of myself for putting myself first so I can have a future creating/selling/mentoring after I retire from teaching. Kellie helped me in finding my style and recognize what is important to me in my work. I worked on 5 paintings today... I hope to start selling on Etsy, update my website, keep painting and maybe do a show somewhere. [I gained] a sense of confidence and the joy of creating for myself first.

Carla, Alaska
I joined this program to to take my art to the next level, to paint more and have more fun! Kellie helped me change my mindset and believe I could paint again. I no longer feel "I can’t". I made my painting a priority and am actually sticking to it! I love painting again.

Cala, California
I was ready to get back into my art practice after some time away and felt that some support and structure would be helpful. This program spoke to all of the things I was needing in the moment to get going again. It was helpful to have lessons that skillfully built upon each other, and the focus on risk taking and not being afraid of making mistakes or "bad" paintings. I liked the comprehensive approach, too. I was able to establish a routine and get back into my art practice. I experimented with new techniques that brought a sense of fun and new inspiration. Art became a part of my life again – I have more joy :) I am most proud of myself for taking the leap and doing it - making the commitment to my art and myself.

Amber, California
This program has been everything I was looking and hoping for, yet so much more. It's a whole-being approach, which is why I believe it is so successful. It quite literally enriches your life and allows you to become the best version of yourself that you can be. And that carries over into your art and creativity. I joined this program to finally explore my creative side and to answer what I believe my true calling is, which is to be an artist and creator. I wanted to finally focus on myself and give attention to the facets of my life that I had put on hold for over 30 years. I wanted to learn new mediums and explore art in greater depth, and to have a mentor who inspired me, that could show me a path to harness my creativity, and that cared about my growth. I knew instinctively that I needed a mentor to do this - it wasn't just about taking an art class or two. I was looking for something immersive and complete, and that's what I found. Taking the leap of faith and joining the program was the best thing I could have done for myself and what I am most proud of. It meant making an investment and taking a risk on myself, and it was so worthwhile!

Therese, Michigan
I am at a crossroads in my life where something has to give, in order to be healthy, enjoy life and function in a productive, low-stress manner. I always knew that I wanted to create art, but it's always been on the back burner for one reason or another. As a result of this program, I have made changes in my life to make art a priority. I have also learned tools for incorporating self-care into my life. I think the program helped re-spark my creativity by experimenting with different methods of creating art, allowing my expression to flow through. The program helped me to create art without fear of imperfection. I found a unique style and "voice" that I am still developing. I learned several techniques of starting a canvas, loosening up my style, and creating art more freely, and I have established a pathway to selling my artwork in the near future.

Mary Anne, Ohio
I joined this program to overcome my fear of not being good enough to create artwork. I was so self-critical that I could not allow myself to enjoy working in my art studio and enjoy the process of creating artwork. I was very fearful and skeptical in the beginning, but this quickly changed as I progressed. I have taken many art classes, in addition to having a formal art education college degree and this was one of the most positive art learning experiences I have ever had! I have overcome my fear of working in my art studio. I have learned about new techniques and materials to create mix media artworks. I have learned how to work through periods when my artwork is stuck in a bad or ugly stage, in order to finish and ultimately be pleased with my work. My life shifted.. I have been able to let go of the guilt and expectations that came with having a demanding, unfulfilling job. I have been able to allow myself to experience the joy that comes when I create art. This has reduced my anxiety and given me more confidence!

Erin, Illinois
I had decided that it was time for me to give my creative self the attention it deserves. I could no longer ask that voice to sit quietly and wait it's turn...I took a leap of faith by joining Kellie's program. I'm so glad I did! ... Amazing experience these last 5 weeks have been. I have fully submerged myself in the lessons and have found such personal growth and satisfaction. I'm continuing to bubble over with ideas and am so excited what the future holds for my art. It's going to be big, bold and amazing! I've learned a process from start to finish.- Not to mention numerous tools and techniques. I have honored and will continue to honor my creative voice: I will continue to paint from my heart. In turn feel happier and more fulfilled.- totally amazing! I am painting and creating each and every day!

Erin, Calgary
I can honestly say this has been life changing for me and that new worlds opened up for me. I had come to a place in my life where I wanted to get serious about creating my own art and becoming a professional artist. I had this calling since I was a very little girl and as a young adult I started to purse this passion. However, on that journey I encountered obstacles and I was afraid and doubtful of my abilities to continue down this path and in the end I built a different life for myself. I never forgot about this dream though and when I came across the program I knew it was what I needed to reconnect with that part of myself, the life of an artist. My life shifted in numerous ways from this program. The huge thing for me is that I am creating my own work, anytime I had been in the studio in the past I was copying and recreating other peoples work ... now I have work flowing out of me. I also found my own voice throughout this process... six weeks ago I was lost. Now I am exploring other ways to enhance and build my own art business. I could take 10 other course on how to build my skill but without the foundational work of this program I would still be stuck being afraid to take the necessary steps to push forward into the world of being a professional artist.

Kirsten, Virginia
This program has been a huge confidence builder and is giving me reassurance to explore the things that I enjoy and that are meaningful to me instead of constantly wondering, "Is this OK--am I doing it right?" I am understanding my art and my voice have value and that it's OK to be me and stop comparing myself to others... this has been HUGE! It has been empowering to learn to embrace my differences without judgement. That taking risks is a good thing and that doing the things you need to do to feed your soul isn't selfish. I now value myself a lot more and I'm excited to see what I can do and how far I can go with my art. The techniques and projects were fabulous and I learned lots of new tools, techniques and mediums to solve problems and spark new ideas. Kellie has been super supportive and the feedback and relationships from the other members of the group have been invaluable--I found a loving and supportive tribe! I also now have some of the tools and knowledge to move on to the next step ... to build up a larger more cohesive body of work and then put up an online presence or showing.

Kathleen, Massachusetts
I felt that my painting was not current in style and materials and that I needed to blow it up a little. I also am aware that i have been putting everyone else's needs ahead of my life as an artist, and that this is a chance to end that. I guess that I knew I had it in me, and I found out it was true. I feel an endless supply of creative energy. and I also have learned that I do have the self discipline and work habits, this nine months at home in the house gave me space and time to really figure out what is meaningful to me. I am now actually thinking and planning how to get my work out there. I feel fantastic about the quality of my work and so excited that I can follow up on my dreams from when I was young.

Ruth Ann, Kentucky
I can’t say enough good things about Kellie Day’s Transform Your Art program. I have learned so much in terms of technique as well as about myself and my own personal style. I have enjoyed making contacts/friendships among the women here. I have been so excited and pleased with the the amount, quality and the emotion conveyed through the art I have made in this course. I never could/would have done it without this program/mentor/participants and my husband to motivate, support and encourage me. It was a big decision, and a significant investment for me but I couldn’t be happier with the results. I have been happier this winter making art than I have in several years. I feel like I have a new and exciting purpose every day. This has been a life-changing course for me.

Andrea, Oregon
I have been ''messing'' with the idea of being an artist for a long time with no serious intention whatsoever. I came across Kellie's work a year ago, loved it but simply put it on the side not knowing what to do with it. It was until this year that I had a moment of realization while painting a large piece for my parents that I realized how much joy painting brings to my life. I then decided it was time to take my art seriously. it was pretty much now or never. Finding art that moves you and a mentor who is willing to guide you is not an easy thing. It is pretty much like finding a good doctor or a good friend. You simply don't let those go. My experience in this program was Phenomenal! and I don't use that word very loosely. The program really exceeded my expectations. It not only taught me a new technique but more importantly got me in the path of painting without fear. I always dreamed of being bold when painting, of expressing my full self without caution or hesitation. Kellie's workshop has shown me how to do that. I feel empowered now by the technique and the mindset tools I learned during the program. I paint on a daily basis, think and dream of my art, paint with freedom and self confidence, and am selling paintings. I am finally becoming the artist I was called to be and for that I will always be grateful.

Mary, Ohio
A friend recommended this program to me. It aligned with the values that I am learning in ED recovery to access my intuition and listen to it! I was thrilled by the idea to have an art mentor who would help me tap into what's already inside my heart with regard to my creative spirit. In this program, I gained the confidence that I can listen to my intuition, I now know several ways to start a painting, and I know several ways to get "unstuck". I also started several mixed media "series" of baby animals paintings and sailboats! Kellie helped me the most by helping me reconnect to my creativity - through creating several paintings and NOT having to paint realistically--painting from my heart.

I have been putting off doing my art for too many years as I put my career and family before myself. I was on track in my preteens to become an artist but did not receive support. I met with Kellie and she touched a chord within my soul and I knew that this was the time. Through this program I became part of a community that positively supported my efforts and they even liked my works! I have made friendships and gained a feeling that it is possible to follow my heart. I am most proud that I took this leap of faith and WOW I painted!! Kellie encouraged me to JUST DO IT!! She had encouraged me to revisit my 11 year old self- boldly and embrace the artist I am. I asked my husband if he's noticed a difference in me since taking this program and he said, "You seem more complete." I am taking better care of me and know that I am important.

I joined this program so that I could freely pursue my love of painting. My experience included changing my attitude about doing art and both taking and making time for myself. I got to try new tools, mediums and define my style. I got meet new people in a small group environment supported by kellie and new friends with similar interests. It was not overwhelming but truly transforming. My life has shifted to a "yes I can" attitude. I have more confidence and less fear. The shift is that it’s ok to care for me. I am most proud of myself for having the courage to change the things I can, and live my life the way I dreamed.

My style is most certainly coming out loud and proud into every painting. I'm no longer painting what I think others will want to see - I'm painting what wants to be seen by me. Also, I sold my first painting today! My confidence as an artist has really blossomed. I've seen that spill over into other parts of my life as well. Kellie helped me to see that I don't have to devote my life to helping others in order to have value. She showed me that painting beautiful art, and living authentically by allowing myself to create when and how I feel called to is valuable in itself. Honestly, I'm the most proud of myself for investing financially into myself. This program was the very first time in my 45 years of life that I've ever spent money on my own growth. It was such a difficult thing to allow myself to do, and now that I'm finishing the program, I couldn't begin to put a price on everything I've learned.

I've come to realize that attitude and loving yourself is crucial and that your emotions do show in your artwork - good or bad. Also, that painting techniques alone is not the answer to a successful art journey. I could have kept watching youtube videos on my own forever, but I'm so glad I did this because I've really developed my voice in my Art. I'm most proud of myself for making making original paintings. I see just how unique my work is and how it evokes connections in others. I see a piece of me in them and that’s glorious. I learned mixed media techniques along with materials to use. I also was able to gain an understanding as to how to recognize my style and voice in my paintings. I realized you just have to get out there, be confident, love your work, paint what you love and what brings you joy, There’s no right or wrong if you paint from your heart and soul.

With the tools that Kellie has helped me to develop, I can make art for the rest of my life. Now I see myself as an artist-which is pretty huge for me. I am not as violently critical of my work due to her and the feedback of my classmates. It is beginning to trickle into my life-that I am more gentle and kind to myself. Kellie taught me how to sustain all of the lovely habits that she taught me into a life long successful habit and creative life. I completed many paintings during the course of this adventure with Kellie that incorporated multiple techniques and which were a joyful process. She has led me onto a journey of learning how to paint with expression and to loosen up and let some fun into my work and process. She gave me many strategies to assist me when I am "stuck." I am most proud of myself for being brave enough to try this program, to jump in completely, to trust Kellie and her process that has enabled me to begin some big personal growth as a human as well as an artist.

My life is shifting to making Art a priority and practice in my daily life and to see it more as a calling. I learned to take authority over the negativity that was holding me back and move forward in my art practice, in the midst of feeling insecure, afraid and uncertain. I'm feeling more confident internally and spiritually as an artist and challenging the need for external affirmation in order to feel ok ... My experience in this program has been very positive and healing. I’ve learned multiple ways to get started on paintings and get creativity flowing as well as paint from feeling. I’ve learned techniques and tips to identify and apply my own style to a painting. I’ve learned to take risks and be more accepting ... Most of all, I've learned to overcoming negativity and blocks to painting. I've learned how to identify my own style and try to paint only from a place of joy and inspiration. And I’m beginning to gain confidence that my own original Art and ideas could take off and be a steady source of supplemental income.

I joined to awaken my self from doing the same thing in my art. And also wanted to learn how to sell my paintings. My experience has been fun in experimenting with new ideas , collage, prints, fun canvases with no plan. Just playing. I loved the freedom I felt. I've achieved better self care, I'm loving my process, and I'm embracing my process. I spend everyday in my art room, experimenting with different materials, and mixing with my own process, without judgement. I am loving myself, which is big for me. Thank you Kellie

I think this was the first time I had fun making art. That's a big deal for a "serious" person. I am most proud of myself for doing this program. I needed to discover the playfulness and fun in making art... I began Making art again, learned about never-used materials and techniques, (What fun!), and am having fun making lovely art. Kellie is a healthy mix of artist, teacher, art critic, and coach which allows her to comfortably teach the art-making component of her program. However she also has sufficient life experience along with innate skills as a listener and observer of human behavior. As such she provides a daily approach to keep her clients motivated and focused so they enjoy making art. In addition her personable approach and sensitivity enable her to, when needed, gently ease clients past limiting thoughts freeing them to make art.

I joined this program because I needed some help to find my way. I always knew that I have an artist inside me, but I needed some help to find this artist...I was so totally lost, but now my paintings for me are so complete. They have layers, they have light. I paint now with pure happiness. ... Now I truly believe I am an Artist. For me, this is who I am, and I enjoy doing my painting. This is a way for me to express myself. ...A big hug to Kellie Day. You gave me wings and you helped me to find the artist I am.

I joined this program because I finally needed to focus on myself. For most of my married life I put everyone else's needs before my own. This year I finally made the decision to do something for me to break out of the box I put myself in. I am also proud of myself for taking the plunge and enrolling with Kellie. I had the choice to join a different group, but it came down to painting like I've been taught in the past or learning something new and getting out of my comfort zone. I chose to take the plunge and its been the higher road for me. Kellie helped me get started by showing me the steps on how to get rid of that nagging, never ending negative voice that has plagued me for years. . . She also recommended a book that pointed out that the restrictions I imposed upon myself lead me right into fear. And yes, I've felt the underlying grip of fear for many years. It is so liberating to finally to begin to let that all go. And this gem was posted on FB so it will now be my motto: 'You're either fighting for your dreams or you're fighting for your limitations." Thank you for your support, and faith in me

I wanted to learn more about making Art and have the feedback that is necessary to keep your Art moving forward. I wanted the accountability and community ... Now I see myself as an artist. I'm less afraid and more curious/adventurous. I make art almost every day. ... Kellie taught me how to finish a painting. She taught me how to listen to my inner voice and let it guide me to the next best thing to do. This taught me to allow my paintings to unfold one step at a time ... I see it less as a luxury now and more as a necessary part of my life. I have more value for myself and what I do.

The guidance provided by Kellie has changed my life in so many ways, I see that I can accomplish so much as an artist, it's a part pf my life now where it wasn't as much as I wanted it to be before. I knew I needed mentoring to learn about living as an artist and seeing what my full potential is. Years of trying to do it without guidance really got me nowhere and I was stuck in the "dabbling" phase. I also knew that I had a great amount of expression to share using my artistic gifts and that I didn't want to lose out on any more creative time! I have been totally thrilled with the amount and quality of the work I have completed... they are pure expressions of me, my life, and my personality. I finally allowed myself to put my art first. I have never done that before and it's been incredibly powerful. I am happy to have made lovely connections with artists who came to this program as I did - looking for that next level. I would definitely recommend this to any artist friends I come across that are looking to elevate their art.

I joined this program because I felt as though I had become stuck in my practice and was battling with negative voices filling me with doubt about all that I was doing. Now I am more in tune with my intuition, I feel more confident about myself - not just as an artist, but in all aspects of my life. I feel better able to deal with rejection and I am being kinder to myself. I have become more willing to experiment and make mistakes and be comfortable with my mistakes; I feel greater confidence to paint expressively. Kellie was always kind, gentle, non-judgmental and professional has the ability to ask the right questions to get to the heart of the matter. Ultimately the collage work has broadened my horizons and thinking tremendously - have really enjoyed it.

This is what I wanted the most......I am in my art room everyday! I am not getting stuck, stopping, beating myself up and returning after a week or so. I just jump onto another painting and wait for that one to speak to me again. I am a slow painter, having 3-4 painting going and knowing I can just work on collage materials until I know...what is next. Kellie is incredibly compassionate and caring. ..I appreciate her ability to find ways to assist artists to getting their art to the next level. She's always positive and encouraging and has multiple resources to suggest. I think this program speaks to the whole artist, not just sitting down to paint but how you begin your day.

I joined this program to learn how to create, open up to inspiration, take art action to a more sophisticated level. It was nothing short of amazing. A whole new world of processing, expressing and release is occurring for me. It's been a true gift. This program has been an affirming that anything is possible. Realizing intuition is key, as well as jumping in and doing the art. I've learned to not sabotage prior to effort. The result has been an opening up of life mindset, creative opportunities and varying my career opportunities. Kellie helped me with affirmation of what is beautiful inside and out.

This course has helped me achieve my goal of breaking through feeling stuck my artwork. My loved ones have remarked at how happy they are to see me becoming lost in my studio again .... I'm making art again! I'm enjoying creating (joyful making). I have some tools to move me forward when I feel the stuck/negative voices surface. I felt held in safety while being challenged and encouraged in this program. I was also impressed with the professionalism, structure and delivery of the course material. The content is clearly well-researched and based on a breadth and depth of experience I am most proud of myself for investing in my art, financially and with my time. Kellie helped me with her individual feedback and encouragement, based on my personal goals and abilities. She is always available to help and move me forward with kind but firm encouragement

Before I started this program I thought there was a right way and a wrong way to paint, now I just paint and I lose track of time and I’m happier with whatever I create. This program has helped me tap into my art in a safe way. I got over my fear of looking at a blank canvas and I’m not afraid to start. Thank you Kellie, you’ve made it all very genuine and inspiring. You live what you’re teaching and it shows.

My experience in this program has been wonderful! Selling a piece of my work was unexpected during the course, but so grateful to receive this confirmation!! My creative process is being further refined, developing into its own unique voice, through Kellie's encouragement and playing creatively in new ways. The feeling of being stuck has been lifted. Being reminded, there are no mistakes. No right, no wrong, no comparisons...all great reminders. I'm inspired, I'm creating. Dedicated time in the studio is now being embraced in new ways, as the old boundaries are dropping away. Thank you Kellie and the rest of our community for your words of encouragement and support!

Linda P
The reason I joined the program is because I felt stuck and needed a little push. I wanted to create a body of work I could share with others that reflected my style with a process I loved. I'm most proud of myself for creating a body of work that shows my personality! I Started and finished a 20 x 20 painting, first ever this size, and then sold it. Kellie has such a positive attitude with encouraging words together with organization, talent, and knowledge, you can't go wrong taking this class. I would recommend the program to any artist starting out or even a seasoned artist.

I joined Kellie's program to take my art to a new level of excitement and depth. To find my voice, not just copy what I like. To feel like I have a process for successful work. To explore new technique and mediums. Kellie helped me change my whole approach to painting. She helped me realize the best paintings come from working from a feeling, and to be bold and courageous in your work. She also led me to explore new techniques that add new excitement to my work. I discovered my looser side, found new mediums I LOVE, and feel much more confident about creating art going forward. The exercises and assignments expanded my library of techniques and effects. It was a total positive experience for me and growth producing.

I joined this program because I wanted to overcome mental barriers and also learn a new medium to help me get my ideas out of my head. The mental barriers of fear and insecurity and worthiness. Kellie has re-introduced me to my artist self and helped me embrace her. Working with Kellie has been like a big hug helping to feel reassured that I am worthy and that my voice is worth showing to the world. I am spending more time painting and thinking creatively. I am seeing the world as a creative person again - artistically interpreting what I see. This is taking me out a negative mind space and putting me into a happier, more positive place

Kellie helped me to unearth things that I hadn't previously identified about what holds me back, give me joy and propel me forward. This program didn't just help my art, it was transformational. Through Kellie's mentor-ship, I moved toward defining my authentic artistic voice, found processes that worked for me and learned the steps to pull a painting together. I now find great joy in painting and experimenting. I am not concerned with the finished product. I no longer have a fear of ruining a painting.

The biggest shift for me after working with Kellie, is trusting myself as an artist. Not comparing myself to anyone else. Knowing that my artistic voice has value and that there is a place for me to express it. I feel a level of confidence as an artist that I never have felt before... My gut, my leap of faith paid off. So worth it! ... Kellie is a phenomenal teacher! She has a way of making you feel appreciated, talented and more secure about who you are as an artist. It is not that she gives you the belief in your self but she assists you in finding out who you are as an artist. I feel clear on who I am as an artist right now, and open to what kind of artist I will be in the future. Thank you so much for helping me see more clearly who I am as an artist. Your warmth and belief in me has reinforced that having a life and a living as a artist is possible.

For years I thought of myself as an artist but lacked the conviction to move forward by staying safe and not taking risks. At the beginning of this program, I told Kellie that deep down inside I knew that somehow this is what I'm supposed to do. However I was unsure of how to achieve it, nor did I believe in my talents or skills as an artist. This program provides a trusting environment that allowed me to be vulnerable and let my true voice shine through. My spark was reignited. I learned to lean into mindful practices and listen more to the intuitive voice that can no longer be ignored are a daily practice. And I began finding & developing my authentic voice and creating a confident body of work that I am exceedingly proud of. Kellie helped me to learn to believe in myself and my vision. I wasn't sure how anyone would respond to what I really wanted to paint, and never really trusted myself to put it out there. I am now developing a series of small paintings, and planning to have an open studio at my stunning loft here in Atlanta this spring.

The program exceeded my expectations! I am more confident, and kinder with my artistic spirit. I've learned how to tell a story in a painting, that has emotion, and feeling. I've learned how to look critically at a painting and calm areas if needed, or connect areas by adding elements if needed. My excitement at being able to create a piece of art that brings me joy, consistently, is huge. I've gained so much confidence in being able to create a painting. In the past I would get close to the end and feel frustrated because it didn't look good, and I had no idea how to fix it. That's gone. I also have much more patience with painting. There is no hurry, or worry about getting it done. I've learned to trust the flow and let it go. Kellie is excellent at listening to what is being said and sometimes what is not being said. The materials, video, photos, phone calls are all excellent, interesting, good quality and value. I found I really enjoy talking and supporting women artists and I learned so much from watching other women develop their style and voice. Being in the program also allowed me to be accountable for showing up for myself and my art on pretty much a daily basis. I learned I'm more balanced and centered when I create art consistently.

I felt stuck, uninspired and in need of a creative boost. Through this program I became excited again! I loved trying new things and started waking up early to start the day. I had something fun to look forward to. Now I have an understanding of the common process that most artists go through with self confidence. I don't feel alone anymore. I remember what it was like to play with art materials and get lost in the creative process, and I have the encouragement to keep going. Kellie is an excellent listener and she tunes into people. Her authenticity and genuine desire to help people comes through in her teaching. I was a single mom for 16 years, and everybody and everything else came first. This time in my life is for me, and I am very grateful. I now have organized my art studio, bought 2 adjustable height tables, and committed my already beautiful art space to a better functioning artist studio. I am happy to go to work or rather play every day.

I have gone from pretty much a complete beginner to artist. I did a mixed media piece that one of my friends wanted to buy! I feel connected to something greater than me when I look at the art I have created. It reflects me! As a beginner, I needed a lot of “hand holding” and direction. Kellie was so supportive and encouraging; she helped me keep going and not get frustrated and give up. She knew exactly what to say and that made all the difference.... I learned so much in just 6 weeks! I would call this an intensive program which was what I needed. Kellie brought out the creative person who was hiding within me. I had taken art lessons that focused on technique & skill that did not resonate with me. I wanted to be able to express my feelings on paper... Now I am able to put my soul on paper, be inspired and comfortable doing art by myself, and make art that I can proudly hang in my home. I am happier and more inspired by things around me, I notice art and colors I never noticed before, I feel like an artist, I am more connected with myself, I am more compassionate to myself and others.

I joined this program because my confidence and motivation to create were waning. I also wanted to explore creating my own style and my own voice rather than mimicking other artists. The program has been great. I love the feedback I get from Kellie and the other students. I am exploring more areas of creativity than I ever have. I am in the studio almost everyday. The feedback I am getting from friends and family has also been very positive. I now have some really great pieces that I love, a plan to actually do a show, and I'm loving the process and seeing the results in my paintings. I definitely feel more confident. I am no longer hesitant to call myself an "artist". I'm so proud of myself for saying yes to myself and to this program.

This course not only has put me on a path of transforming my art, but has brought art back into my life everyday. It created a structure of healing, and nurturing myself, creating a positive upbeat mindset to make art. It makes me feel that my art is a very important part of my day. The pre-art making practice creates a structure to begin so that when you start creating, the things that used to hold you back are healed or in a sense annihilated because I have addressed them PRIOR to creating. There are even ways I have been taught to deal with them if they happen to come up later as I paint. They are out of my way. The community created around all these wonderful things I learned is life shifting too, I have a new set of friends on the same journey, so the program is supportive of that as well. Kellie is an art mindset healer, and creative art whisperer.

I believe I am at a significant turning point in my life and felt it was now or never to answer the call to create beautiful things from my soul. I needed help to allow myself to begin and I knew this was what I needed to get painting again. There are so many ways Kellie has helped me but I would have to say The biggest area of growth for me is being comfortable painting for myself through the critic voice in my head. I have been creating for others for so long that I ignored my souls calling to create for me. In this program I rediscovered my passion for making art. I found a way to express my playful nature and learned to not take it all so seriously, I went out of the lines and I loved it! I realized creating art for myself is a significant path to healing, and finding meaning and purpose in life ... it has led to a new sense of power, freedom and realization that honoring my own art is a significant part of what I need, to grow as a person and an artist. I am proud of myself for saying yes to this course and when I look around my studio and see pieces of art that I created that I see myself in, it makes my heart smile.

I credit Kellie, if I hadn’t taken her course I wouldn’t be where I’m at today as an Artist. I’ve been very busy with commissions. I am very thankful?. Just sold this 40”x 30” acrylic on Gallery stretch canvas.

I am most proud of the fact that I actually took a step forward and made a decision to take this course without consulting anyone else's opinion because I know I would have been talked out of it and would've ended up very resentful and stuck. I enjoyed every minute because it was something I did for me and me alone. I think the biggest shift is in my attitude. I now feel like having an artful future is attainable. I’ve gained more courage to move forward with my art, and am more confident in how to go about finding my own unique voice. (I know) that whatever my style is, that it's unique and worthy of sharing with the world as my own personal contribution as a human being on this crazy planet. Kellie just has a way of filling you with courage and enthusiasm.

The program is very transformative. It really taps into a deeper part of yourself. You learn things about yourself or even your developing style that surprise you.... I feel more joyful, more light. Others have commented on it. I also feel I can continue to grow with my art and always have the skills from the lessons to fall back on when I need them. It also has given me something to look forward to. Kellie’s instruction and ideas are wonderful. She always has the right solution when I get stuck on something. She gently pushes you in the direction you need ... I definitely improved my confidence overall. I got over the fear of doing things the “right” way. Perfection is no longer a goal. My work became more loose, even in my drawing. .. I am proud of myself for following my instincts and taking the plunge into this program. I can’t imagine missing out on all I have learned and experienced. I did something for myself that I felt was important and it paid off.

I had been creatively constricted for 10-15 years & felt like a shell of my former, vibrant self. As soon as I began the course, my soul was resuscitated, my eyes opened to the beauty around me & in me, & there’s just no way to put a price on that! In a very short amount of time, I felt much freer & was surprised by what was emerging artistically. Connecting to the other artists in various stages of the course was—and is—incredibly inspiring. It’s like having a front-row seat to someone else’s creative process, which is another learning opportunity. Everything Kellie promises was delivered, which is nothing short of miraculous. I wanted to make creativity my default again, as it was in the first half of my life, & I can honestly say that it is now. I discovered that it actually never went away; all I had to do was embrace it. Ideas are overflowing each day! Kellie’s course measurably loosened my style & made it possible to start painting from my heart or authentic self rather than my head or preconceived ideas. It makes painting much more joyful & magical. As I deepen into the experience of painting intuitively, my own voice is beginning to emerge, & it will be exciting to see what I have to contribute artistically to this life.

I was a Certified kitchen and bath designer for 20 years and ran my own company. The housing bubble and a nasty divorce coupled with the loss of my mother, grandmother and step son put me into a dark place. While I was digging myself out, Art and Kellie pulled me to the mountain top. I am ready to leap once again into self employment and freedom that I have never known before. ... My experience during this program was excellent. Art therapy at its finest. I now have my voice to stand tall with my art. I am no longer self conscious and feel that I can make money with my art. Kellie is a gem.

I was needing change, my art was always put on the back burner and needed to be set free... I needed help to advance forward, process, goals, and stay on track with a mentor to guide me. (This program) loosened up my movement and flow, and let it come to me rather than always just trying to make a copy of someones work. I also gained inspiration, not being worried about what others think, and knowing that I can do this. I am liking everything I create, that is a massive leap forward. Kellie guided me with gentle reminders, keeping me focused and sharing new techniques while opening my vision of creations to come ... I loved the interaction with the other artists.

I joined Transform Your Art because I wanted to become a more professional artist and learn what I needed to do to reach that level. I also wanted to feel better about myself as an artist. I would highly recommend this program to anyone. I now feel like a valued artist and that my art is worthy to be seen by others. I learned new techniques to create mixed media art, and how to be more dedicated and disciplined taking time to do my art more. I now have the confidence to take my art to the next level. I am most proud of myself for learning more about my style and how to play up my abilities and talents in my art. Doors are opening more for me as a result of the positive attitude I have. Kellie has done an awesome job getting to know each of us individually and meeting the needs that we have personally. I don't know of anything that could be done better ... Thank you for all the inspiration you have left me with. You have really made a difference in my life.

I joined this program to become more confident in my art. And because I made a commitment to myself to move from being a crafter to being an artist! I joined because I wanted to know what artists know. Now I no longer hide my work. I am an artist! I love my paintings and my work has value. I talk and show my painting projects to others with confidence. I am proud that I am no longer afraid to paint on purchased canvas. Previously, I wouldn’t buy canvas because I did not have confidence in my art ... Kellie is amazing! She is consistently positive and supportive. She tracked my goals along with me and provided unwavering belief that I could do what I wanted to achieve! Kellie provided well-planned and well-timed lessons that moved me along in this process. My experience has been priceless! I experienced excitement, resistance, joy, anticipation, and then awakening.

I joined this program because I was wanting to begin really creating as a working artist, and to jumpstart my dream to live authentically as an artist! During the program I achieved great motivation and was given the opportunity to grow and create, work on my studio, and work on a routine that will serve me in the future. I now have the realization that I do HAVE a unique style and that the emotion of my work can really touch people. Also that being fearless results in a magical process of a piece coming together without the conscious mind directing... I will always remember this moment, when I followed my instincts and took action. Because I took action, I am living authentically and living my artistic dream. I am an artist!

I joined this program to transform the way I experience my creative process. To learn about myself; to be aware of my inspirations, and ...grow as an artist. And I actually have been transformed! I perceive life through the heart and eyes and soul of an artist! I am painting and creating every day! I've gained more Confidence to be my best artistic self, a clear roadmap on how to practice this daily journey in a focused and productive and satisfying way, and a deep foundation and building blocks to success for painting beautiful, emotionally connecting artwork. My life is so much more sparkly now that I claim this life as an artist! My priorities have shifted so that I am spending most of my time in joy. This is priceless and I cherish this. I think Kellie is really talented as an artist and as an educator and mentor. She has a clear, loving and open style that resonates with us sensitive souls.

I joined Kellie's program because I was feeling stuck & needed coaching to get me to the next level. The program shows you the way to get from hobbyist to a working and selling artist. I now am closer to figuring out my style and what it is that I want to say with my art. I have rearranged my priorities to make time for my art and my goals with my art - no excuses. I've learned techniques to keep me moving forward so I'm less likely to get stuck in the future. Now I'm ready to find a venue here in my town where I can hang my art, and I will start to look into art festivals to get involved in with my art!

I just wanted to share that I just finished Kellie Day’s six week Transform your Art program and it was exceptional! Kellie helped me to clarify my art goals and focus so that I can achieve my dream of being a successful artist. She really listened to my needs and helped me to define my individual style and empowered me to have the confidence and the right tools to keep going! She felt more like a dear friend that I’ve always known than a new teacher and mentor. The VIP group is an encouraging and supportive space where I felt safe to take risks with my art. I would highly recommend this program for anyone wanting to further their art and develop you own style whether you plan to sell your art or just do it for yourself! Best gift I ever gave to myself!☺️

I spent my entire adult life in a rewarding career but always felt like something was missing. I am nearing retirement and as that becomes reality I am researching second career opportunities. This time it must be more in-line with what I was meant to do. It is my belief that I am meant to create and teach. I (now) have a great love for new techniques that I never thought of using, and to use these methods when I am stuck on a piece. I learned the importance of enjoying the work; creating a playfulness that releases my truth and my style. I achieved a level of self-care that means making time for my art on a daily basis. Kellie helped me gain confidence and see where my personal style is leaning. She gave me the tools to produce and continue my pursuit of my dreams. I now have a show booked and will move forward to establish a website and complete my social media!

Before this program I hadn't painted in years. ... I felt stuck, almost frozen with fear. Fear of what if I fail, what if I'm not the artist I think I am. Now, I'm painting again without those fears. I went from caring for elderly parents to working long crazy hours after their passing trying to get back on my feet financially. Now, I'm not only painting again I'm trying new techniques without fear of failure. ... I have a blue print for how to believe in myself as an artist. Now, I realize there are no limits. Every day is an opportunity to not only enrich my own life in some way but I can also contribute to others lives. ... I had an idea about my long range plan and Kellie's program has helped me refine my goals and get me moving in the right direction. It's never too late to start over and each day is a gift if you choose to believe in yourself.

This class has been an awesome life-learning experience for me. It used to be that all my paintings had to be so perfect and tight and boring, and now I’ve found my playful side and I’m absolutely loving it. I’m messy and loose, and it’s so liberating. I’m a new person since I started this class. My biggest tool I learned is just to be myself and paint what I feel. You gave that to me, to just be able to paint freely... The program was a very rewarding, life changing experience. It helped me open up my feelings and discover who I am. Before I had a hard time noticing my feeling and addressing them. Now I create paintings with my true feelings. In my passed paintings they were just copies of a picture, very structured. I'm more in tune to what I feel and how I think about myself. I am a much more confident artist. Kellie has given me freedom to paint what I love. Kellie is a very nurturing, positive person that brings out the best in a person. Now I want to sell my art and to have shows that will show my true abilities.

Lee, Indiana
I joined this program to get motivation to create art without hesitation and grow as an artist. I had gone through a couple of difficult years … When I had time to paint I would go to my studio and not be productive. I have gone to other art business programs and I have taken other classes in watercolor to advance my skills. However I found this to be a true transformative program. It was the first time that someone led me step by step on an artistic journey. From the beginning, Kellie began to help me open up my emotions and face the road blocks that kept me from growing artistically. Years of critiques or insecurities were uncovered and I was able to move them aside. She has developed system of teaching artists how to create work without boundaries. I was able to learn how to honor my feelings and show emotion through artistic expression. I now know practices for self-care that turned me from being mildly depressed into a happier person. AND I have a show very soon …Now I believe in myself. The only thing that would make this program better is if we could have lunch together someday.

When I was 7 years old, I entered a painting in a local art show. My uncle asked me if I was going to be an artist when I grew up. I responded with a confident “I AM an Artist!”. Time and life took me away from that 7 year old artist. Now, almost 50 years later, we are reunited. Kellie's "Transform Your Art" program did transform my art, and did help me settle into my style. Way more than that, Kellie allowed me to find the power to finally give voice to the art inside me. I can now give myself permission to feel the rawness and vulnerability of my passions and tell visual stories through my art. I am transformed. And I’m excited to be showing my art in a few months, much to the delight of that 7 year old!

Jerri Ann
"I think the biggest change is my confidence... I felt bound when I started this program, I didn’t know if I could feel anymore. Kellie knew how to pull it out of me, how to get to the feelings that I kept hidden. Something about the process and the steps involved brought me to a place where I can feel a change, a mind shift, a change in heart, and a changed thought process toward my creative self. I’m too old to waste anymore time with silly little thoughts I don’t really believe anyway. Any day spent with paint and lost in time is a good day."

You’ve been the best thing ever for me, it’s pushed me into new frontiers.... I’m now able to go out and paint and not copy others, but explore my inner-self, a revelation of my spirit. ... I feel like I was lost and now I’m now found.

This program is a Godsend. I am LOVING it, finding lots of joy, and seeing endless possibilities for my art … it's divine timing that I took this class, I am really finding myself and who I am, and my joy again. I am finding my style, and I am working on a body of work for a show!

Ann Marie
With Kellie’s coaching, encouragement and generosity I discovered my Unique Artist Voice. By going thru the process of this program, I now have the confidence to share my unique art style with the world. Everything I’ve learned in this program is priceless and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to experience this program!

“I took your ... class last summer, and loved it. In fact my painting from that class was chosen as one of the winners for the Colorado Regional Competition!”

“Kellie Day gave me inspiration and encouragement and I am forever grateful… Not to be too sentimental but your teaching was the first time I really felt like an artist and the potential to do good work. Your encouragement started me on my path and I will never forget your generosity and kindness. Thank you.” NOTE: Heather is now a full-time, professional artist!

Rae Ellen
“My painting, using techniques learned from you this summer, won an award at the Escalante Canyons Art Festival. Thank you. Your workshop has changed my life!!!”