Welcome to the Artist Mindset Blog

Lessons for the heart-expanding Artist.

May 13, 2022

Interview with Artists Chrystene Thomas and Amy Johnson

 In this Artist interview, hear how Chrystene and Amy went from perfectionism to connecting with their hearts, creating their own paintings and having success and shows with their Art! Amy was hung up on doing Art for approval, and caught in perfectionist for a long time. She got to […]
April 29, 2022

Did You Go to Art School but You’re Still not an Artist?

So many women have spent years of their lives, and tens of thousands of dollars to go to Art school, and they still don’t feel like a real Artist. Some of them are not painting at all.  Some are starting and stopping, and not making forward progress – after years […]
March 26, 2022

The Art–Spirit Connection, an Interview with Artist Robert Weatherford

Why does your Art matter? Why should you keep making Art if you’re not as good as everyone else? What is your gift, as an Artist, to the world? Should you make paintings based on what other people like? In this interview with Artist Robert Weatherford, I ask him the […]
March 24, 2022

Life Changing Video – Here’s How to Not Miss Your Art Life

Hello beautiful Artist, If you’re a creative soul watching your life go by without enough time for your Art, this may be the most important video you’ll ever see.    When you are caught up in the busy-ness of life, the TODO’s sweep you away and don’t leave any time for […]
February 11, 2022

Get Inspired with these Success Stories of 3 Women Artists

Today I want to give you the inspiration to live your dream as an Artist.  I often post women who are doing it, but here are three incredible success stories today, and how you can do it too.. #1 – Kathleen … Kathleen was a school teacher for 30 years […]
December 4, 2021

NEW Animal Love Art Show, in Telluride Colorado

Do you love animals and colors that make your heart full? I do too. I’ve been working for months to fill this room with big colorful ART. So that when you walk in, your spirit is immediately lifted.  If you’re in Telluride in December or January, be sure to stick […]
April 27, 2021

Express who you are and stop copying (The real reason you’re not expressing who you are.)

   If you’ve tried to express who you are through your Art, and stop copying, and you haven’t seen any progress – don’t give up! You absolutely 100% have something unique to share with the world – you just haven’t unlocked it yet. Do you want to express who […]
April 16, 2021

Busting through Extreme Critical Voices as an Artist

 Join us for this inspiring interview with Artist Mary Anne Myers. Mary Anne made only 2 paintings in the last 20 years because her critical voices in her head were paralyzing her. She would sit down to paint and then when it wasn’t looking the way she wanted, she […]
March 26, 2021

The Most Important Shift to Making Unique Art

 Lots of women take Art classes to learn better technique. They want to make stronger paintings, and they hope that technique will get them there. They also hope that these classes will get them motivated to keep going, because so many women dream of having success with their art. […]