Welcome to the Artist Mindset Blog

Lessons for the heart-expanding Artist.

September 22, 2024

From Zero to Artist in 8 Months: Paula’s Wild Creative Ride

Paula Stephens spent years helping others—working as a Buddhist Chaplain, supporting military personnel with mental health challenges, and guiding women in prison. But after all that time giving, she realized she had been helping everyone else, and it was time to fill her own cup. That’s when she decided to […]
August 11, 2024

How to Paint Expressive Brush Strokes

A couple people have been asking me how to make more expressive, or “painterly” brush strokes. So I made this fun video for you! Watch as I use a few different brushes to create mood, movement and color with luscious brush strokes. In this free art tutorial, you’ll learn: how […]
August 4, 2024

What to do when you lose your painting mojo

Today an artist friend emailed me and said she lost her mojo this week. There’s construction going on outside her home, she’s having some physical pain, and she doesn’t have enough room to paint. It’s getting her down and making it hard to paint. Losing your mojo is a common […]
July 21, 2024

Before & After: Rochelle’s Painting Transformation + Sneak Peek into My Mentoring Program

Each week, I help my students break through “stuck spots” in their paintings. Today, I’m thrilled to give you an exclusive sneak peek into how I do this, so you can see firsthand how personalized feedback can elevate your paintings from good to great! (Unlike other art instructors who may […]