New Telluride Show with Songbirds, Fish & Colorado Mountains
June 2, 2019
The Biggest Gift Your Can Give Yourself in Art
June 25, 2019Did you choose a career path over your art? Maybe everyone told you it wasn’t possible to make money with art.
And now, decades later you’ve found success at work, and maybe raised a beautiful family, but are you longing for this one piece of yourself that was set aside – your art?
If you are just getting up every morning to go to work, but not fully living your purpose, life loses it’s excitement.
Every day, you might have some fulfillment at work, but wonder where the deeper meaning is.
Do you have a desire to spend your days making art for yourself, not doing a job for someone else?
Do you feel you have something special to offer the world, but you’re just not sure how to get going with your art, or find a process that really excites you?
The key is to not waste another day.
You’ve already waited DECADES doing everything else:
- Paying the bills
- Raising the kids
- Taking care of the household and husband
Maybe you’ve been making art all the while, but you know you have something more in you, and you want this to become a bigger part of your life.
Or you want to loosen up, and play more, and have more fun, and feel lighter in your life.
You just have to START.
This is one of those moments where you get to decide – you can wait two or five more years to make art a bigger part of your life, OR you can start while you are in your job now, and grow it so that you are established by the time you retire.
This is how I made my art a full time life, because I began doing it while doing my day job, and grew it over the years.
I’m here to tell you it’s possible. It’s not an all or nothing thing.
Being an artist is about establishing a lifestyle that incorporates what you love, taking care of yourself and discovering your creative joy so that you can be painting NOW, and retire with your art already established.
You just need a plan and a roadmap for getting there…
… and here’s what it entails:
- Knowing how to GET started, so it’s easy to begin paintings any time.
- Getting the tools and habits to tap into your joy and inspiration, so you have an endless supply of IDEAS for your paintings.
- Choosing to get support from someone who’s been there, and can guide you through the process … show you the steps to create professional quality paintings, and start to show and sell.
- Give you insight to know what’s unique about YOU, so that your style begins to shine.
IF THIS IS YOU, and you’re committed to getting your art going now, I’ve opened up a few spots to talk with dedicated women who are ready to get the support they need to begin their art dream.
If this is you, a you can book a call with me at kelliedayart.com/booking/
PLEASE NOTE: these calls are NOT for everyone. Do not book a call if you are just looking for free information. You must be coachable, committed and ready to invest in YOURSELF.
If this is you, I would love to talk with you and talk about how I can show you how to begin living your life as the artist you’ve always dreamed of, and feeling that inspiration to WAKE UP EVERY DAY with the excitement of painting!… And already be established and showing by the time you retire.
Book your call at kelliedayart.com/booking/
Talk with you soon!
ps. See some words from my latest grads below…