Everything You Need for a Lifetime of Art
January 23, 2022
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Get Inspired with these Success Stories of 3 Women Artists
February 11, 2022
Everything You Need for a Lifetime of Art
January 23, 2022
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Get Inspired with these Success Stories of 3 Women Artists
February 11, 2022
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Are You Struggling with Your Art?

Are you struggling with your Art?

I’ve heard some women talking lately about how they are “struggling” with their Art – so I wanted to give you some tools on how to get OUT of struggle, and into your painting.

Watch this video to find out why you’re struggling with your Art, and get the tools to get OUT of struggle and INTO your painting!

When struggle becomes something you hear yourself say often“I’m really struggling with my art right now”, OR “I’m having a hard time again” –  then it’s actually a mindset issue. It’s a HABIT.

I say this from personal experience.

Let’s say you discover that the reason you’re struggling is because you don’t know how to get started on your paintings. Or you just don’t know how to finish your paintings …

OR maybe your Art feels “hard” because you aren’t inspired to go into your studio space. (feeling BLAH).

Right now ask yourself – Do you WANT to have a hard time with your Art? Obviously not.

If you have a struggle mindset, you might feel like life’s a hardship all the time.  In this video I’ll show you exactly how to get OUT of struggle so you can ENJOY making Art, and get into a more flowing practice.


Kellie Day mixed media artist

PS. Scroll down to see what my latest students have to say.. 

PS. If you’re ready to get out of the struggle mindset and take your Art to the next level, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here. I’ll help you find out where you are stuck, and what you need to move forward. And if I can help you, I’ll show you what that looks like.

**Please note** these calls are only for women who are ready to invest in themselves and take their art to the next level now.  Please don’t book a call if you are just looking for free information. If you’re ready to start living your fullest life as a creative person now, I can’t wait to talk with you. Book your call here.

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