How Sherri went from Art Overwhelm to Confidently Selling 11 Paintings in 2 months

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How Sherri went from Art Overwhelm to Confidently Selling 11 Paintings in 2 months

Artist Interview with Sherri Allen and Kellie Day

Sherri had a lot of techniques but she didn’t know how to paint authentically. She was relying on classes for ideas, but didn’t feel like it was her Art.

She wanted to fast track her art, learn about mixed media, become free in her painting and discover her own authentic voice. In just TWO months Sherri created a series of paintings and sold 11 pieces! Hear how she broke through and started finding success in her Art in this interview above.

I met Sherri three months ago and she was in overwhelm from all the Art classes she had taken. She had a full time job she loved in the corporate world, but it didn’t satisfy her creative desires.

During covid she began drawing and read The Artists Way – that was the start of her amazing Art journey. She took lots of classes but she still didn’t feel like she had a process to start her OWN paintings that felt authentic.

“I was addicted to taking classes. I made some paintings I loved, but I never felt it was really me, and I wasn’t able to apply those techniques to anything I wanted to paint.”

Despite all the classes she took, she felt she wasn’t relying on her authentic self. She was relying on the classes to get her going.

She wanted to figure out how to do her Art, but she didn’t want it to take years of trying out figure it out on her own. She wanted to be up and running now.

We began to work together and Sherri dug into herself and what SHE likes. She explored what she want to paint, vs taking classes and painting what they want to teach you.

“I wanted to know a process for painting that I can apply to painting anything I love… Now I have a process and I can go in my studio and start a painting on anything.”

Now it’s been 3 months since we worked together and Sherri’s sold 25-30 paintings. (she lost count).

She wanted to fast-track her art, she didn’t want to spend years trying to figure it out own her own – and now she’s doing it!

As Sherri says, you have to just take one baby step to start building your confidence. Start and open the doors to your Art. Even if you don’t know what that looks like. Don’t just sit there and wait for your Art to happen, you have to take the first step…

“If you’re ready to make a shift, dive in. Be ready to do the deep work, and know that you’re in a really supportive community. Also TRUST. You make the decision to go, and you step into it, and then you’re going to receive a ton of blessings.”

Enjoy the interview!

Kellie Day mixed media artist

Ps. If you’re ready to shift your Art and be transformed, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me like Sherri did in SeptemberJust click here to book your call. Please note these calls are only for women who are ready to be committed, invest in themselves, and be coachable. Please don’t book a call with me if you are just looking for free information.

If you’re one of the ones who wants your Art now, I can get you there.

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