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The Secret to Finally Painting Again

the secret to finally painting again

So many women are not able to put themselves first, and go for decades without painting. Here are some reasons why you might not be able to put your Art first, and why this one Shift will change your life.

  • You feel guilty putting your Art first
  • You were raised that you were selfish if you put your “hobbies” first (even though Art is a soul purpose)
  • You were raised to feel lazy if you spent time doing Art, because you “should” be doing things that keep the household running
  • You think you have to make money from your Art, or you can’t make it a priority

The secret to getting your painting again is very simple… it’s just putting yourself first.

I get that we’re mothers and career women, and we have lots that has to be done. But ask yourself – am I OK going any longer without my painting?

What happens to women who keep quieting their creative voice? (You KNOW if it’s in you).

  • Their lives aren’t as sparkly.
  • They can feel like they’re on a gerbil wheel taking care of the “should’s” in life
  • …which leads to a not-very-exciting life
  • They feel less happy
  • They aren’t living creative lives and that’s depressing.
  • They tell themselves their life is wonderful because they have a great family, but they’re living for everyone else, not themself.
  • …and guess where long-term unhappiness leads them? To health issues.

Is this is happening to you, how much longer do you want to be stuck? If you don’t want to go another day not living your creative life, not filling your soul, the secret to getting started is putting your Art first.

That sounds easy, but it can be scary. You might feel stuck. You might feel scared. You might not know HOW to get started… Let’s talk about that:

If you’re stuck and scared, you have a choice today – Do you want to start your Art now? Or stay stuck where you are?

If you’re scared – Get support. Reach out to the person, class or video that speaks to you. Fear means you need love and support. Go get it, or stay struck. Which will it be?

The secret is to put your Art first today. If you keep thinking about it, it will never happen. 

What does it even look like to put your Art first? 

For my student Alison, it looks like this –I finally allowed myself to put my art first. I have never done that before and it’s been incredibly powerful.

For my student Joan, it looks like this – “A whole new world of processing, expressing and release is occurring for me. It’s been a true gift.   This program has been an affirming that anything is possible. …   The result has been an opening up of life mindset, creative opportunities and varying my career opportunities.”

For my student Jodi, it looks like this – I have achieved my goal of breaking through feeling stuck my artwork. My loved ones have remarked at how happy they are to see me becoming lost in my studio again …. I’m making art again!  I’m enjoying creating (joyful making). I am most proud of myself for investing in my art, financially and with my time.

For my student Nancy, it looks like this – I am in my art room everyday! I am not getting stuck, stopping, beating myself up and returning after a week or so. I just jump onto another painting and wait for that one to speak to me again.

So if you’re ready to put your Art first, and make this ONE SHIFT that will change your whole life, get you painting again, and living an inspired life that was always in you, you can book a free call with my team here.

We’ll get on the phone, find out what’s holding you back, and help you get a plan for beginning your life as an Artist.

**Please do not book a call with us if you are just looking for free information. These calls are for women who are ready to start living their lives as Artists now,  and invest in themselves.

If you’re ready for love and support and a practical, playful path to your greatest expression, you can book your call here. 

We can’t wait to talk with you!


Kellie Day mixed media artist

ps. Scroll down to see the latest words from my students…


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