Sarah’s Big Bold Art Dream & How She Got There—An Artist Interview

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Sarah’s Big Bold Art Dream & How She Got There—An Artist Interview

sarah's big bold art dream and how she got there

If you’ve ever doubted your abilities or held yourself back from pursuing your dreams, Sarah’s story will inspire you to take that leap.

Sarah, a mother, author, and painter from Minnesota, transformed her life by overcoming fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs to do two solo exhibits, land a gallery, sell her paintings for over $1000 and start in a documentary in less than 9 months.

When I first met Sarah this winter, she had just lost her dad, and her mother within a few years, and was struggling with grief and a lack of confidence. She wanted to take her painting to the next level, but had reached as far as she could go with it on her own. She needed inspiration and guidance and wanted to learn new things.

Despite her deep desire to share her exuberant nature, Sarah worried that her art was too childlike and that it wouldn’t be accepted by others. Perfectionism crept in, holding her back from creating freely and consistently.

“I couldn’t really find anybody like me who was (painting) what I was …. At the time I felt like, ‘what is wrong with me that I’m not doing things in a certain way’.”

But Sarah had a big dream. She wanted more than just selling paintings—she wanted to uplift people through her art, to be represented by galleries in major cities, and to have a thriving community of collectors who connected with her work. More than anything, Sarah wanted the confidence to show the world who she truly is as an artist.

“I wanted to show people what love looked like through my paintings”.

Through our time together, something incredible happened. Sarah embraced the idea that her art wasn’t about perfection or pleasing others—it was about expressing herself fully and fearlessly. She stopped questioning her work and fully dove in and started painting for the joy it brought her, the way it allowed her to express feelings she couldn’t put into words.

That shift changed everything.

Today, less than a year later, Sarah’s achievements are a testament to the power of resilience and believing in yourself. She’s not only created an impressive body of work but also had her own solo exhibit, regularly sells her paintings, some for thousands of dollars, and has authored and illustrated a book. She’s also starring in a documentary about her art journey.

“We don’t do anything amazing alone. All the success I’ve had is because I had a mentor or a group of people. If you really want to have a transformation, don’t go it alone”.


Watch this inspiring interview to hear how Sarah moved past her limiting beliefs and gained the confidence to dream big with her art – and get there.

“You showed us that being proud of who you are as person, and being okay with what it is you choose to paint, embracing yourself and loving all that – and that no painting is bad, it’s just part of our process. And you’ve shown us a process of how to approach that, and that’s been a huge gift.”

Sarah’s transformation is proof that when you move beyond your fears and limiting beliefs, incredible things can happen.

She’s living her art dream, not because she chased perfection, but because she embraced who she is as an artist.

I can’t wait for you to hear more about Sarah’s journey in her inspiring interview.  If you’ve ever doubted yourself, Sarah’s story  will remind you that it’s never too late to believe in your art and get started on your dreams.

Listen to her story in the video above.



PS. In this interview, Sarah gives some fabulous tips on how to transform your own mind to believe in yourself as an artist. To learn more about Sarah check out her website at

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