VIDEO: 6 Steps to Rediscovering Your Long Term Happiness through Art

Kellie Day and her painting of the San Juan Mountains in Colorado
San Juan Mountains Painting Commission
April 15, 2018
kellie day art - getting ready for a show
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Kellie Day and her painting of the San Juan Mountains in Colorado
San Juan Mountains Painting Commission
April 15, 2018
kellie day art - getting ready for a show
How to Live Your Life in the Most Beautiful Way
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VIDEO: 6 Steps to Rediscovering Your Long Term Happiness through Art

Rediscovering your long term happiness through art, with Kellie Day

This video and many others like it, is from my free Facebook group

I’ve been talking with lots of women with a creative calling who’ve lost their long-term happiness. And here’s why…

* They have been taking care of their families for so long, they have lost themselves, and lost their art, and therefore lost their happiness.

* Many women have been working in a corporate job for decades to support themselves. And they know they’re meant to be an artist and are not living their true lives.

* Some of them have been sick for a very long time, and living for decades in a state of unhappiness, just surviving, just going to work and coming home. Or even sitting on the couch in depression.

The thing is you can’t ignore matters of the heart, or there are long term consequences.

And if you know you were meant to make art, and you’ve put this dream on hold for everyone else, you can live for years without feeling fully happy and alive.

These women have rediscovered their art after a lifetime of unhappiness, and realize that they can no longer live like this, and they get on the phone with me because they want to rediscover their art.

They want to reawaken their happiness, and they tell me that they feel so good when they paint, they lose track of time, they forget to eat, they are in joy for the first time in years. And they aren’t sure how to get unstuck, get their art going and spend the rest of their life doing art, so they call me for help.

If this is you, then listen carefully. Because here are 6 things I work with these women on to get their art going so they can start living in happiness again:

  • I help them get going on their art again, and WANT to paint regularly
  • Develop the love and confidence to believe in themselves again, and value their art
  • Establish a self-care routine that brings greater creativity into their life
  • Find a way to paint that they LOVE – I teach them the tools to make joyful, playful, forgiving, mixed media paintings, and how to work through challenges, WHILE having fun!
  • Develop their unique artist voice by discovering themselves again and seeing what THEY HAVE TO OFFER THE WORLD.
  • And even start showing their art.

I just worked with one woman who, when we first talked, was so sad on the phone because she was so tired from taking care of everyone in her family for so long, she had forgotten who she was. She told me that all she wanted to do was find her joy again, and maybe someday do a show.

And once we got her painting again, she went from almost wanting to quit…to not being able to stop.

“I’m waking up every morning, and I can’t WAIT to paint each day… This mixed media painting is way too much fun, it should be illegal”.

And NOW, she’s getting ready for a show!

So this is what I’m talking about, ladies, this joy that is in all of us! It is SUCH a beautiful thing, and it is something that we all have, and we all need to be walking around this earth, Celebrating!  

But unfortunately, we let life get in the way of our happiness. And if this is you, and your passion is painting, then happiness can be found in your art again.

So today I want to celebrate these women I work with who are CHOOSING to make a change and start making their art happen again, because they refuse to live unhappily anymore.

Here’s the crazy thing though, some women choose to stay where they are, whether they realize it, in their world of excuses:

  • They don’t have enough time
  • They don’t have enough money
  • They aren’t supported by their husband
  • They are scared they might fail

Did you know that the reason most people never live their most brilliant and happy life is because it more comfortable to stay in the familiar?! To change and make your life better means going out of your comfort zone, and most people would rather not do that.

So they choose to stay where they are, telling themselves they can make a few paintings here and there, and that will help them, but not really making any significant changes.

And the thing is, if they had been able to figure it out on their own, they would have done it by now.

And don’t feel bad, this is just not your area of expertise. So until you choose to do something about it, and you choose to give yourself the right information that will help you, and you choose YOU, you will stay stuck. And you know what? The heartbreaking truth is that for most people, if you don’t commit to this, you will still be in the same place if I were to call you in 2 years or 5 years, or sadly ten years.

So if this sounds like you, THEN, one reason you are staying stuck over and over and not not finding your full happiness in your art is because YOU ARE CHOOSING IT.


So if there’s something you want in your life, and you’re not getting it, you have to start by looking at yourself. You are responsible.

The women I work with have put aside all of their excuses and committed to their art again, because they know it fills them up and makes them incredibly happy, and this is how they want to spend the rest of their lives.

So gals, the take home message for today is this: if you are experiencing long term unhappiness, you can decide to stand up and move out of this. And if that’s the case, I will help you get there, because here’s the deal:

There is always a way for the committed, and there is always an excuse for those who those who aren’t.

AND I KNOW THIS BECAUSE I DID IT MYSELF. I had a small baby, no husband, no money, and no time. But I squeezed blood out of turnip because I was determined to be the artist that I knew I could be, and here I am today, doing it.

So for those of you who are listening, and you feel ready to take action, and move, and you are ready to invest in yourself, and get unstuck, then let’s talk. I put the link below to book a free, Art Breakthrough Call with me.

But you must meet this criteria –  * I can’t help you if you’re not ready to invest in yourself, and take the time for yourself.

* You must COACHABLE and open to having a real conversation about where you are stuck so I can truly help you.

* You HAVE TO BE READY to solve THIS NOW, and let go of all the excuses.

And if that sounds like you, I absolutely can get you there, and this call is for you. CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE.

Choose your art and choose your happiness


Kellie Day mixed media artist

ps. Here’s my FREE facebook group  for women JUST LIKE YOU, who want to Transform their Art! Click here to join!

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