Kim’s Tulips, mixed media tulip painting

Resting Tiger painting
May 22, 2021
Lotus Garden mixed media lotus flower painting by kellie day
Lotus Garden, mixed media lotus flower painting
September 8, 2021
Lotus Garden mixed media lotus flower painting by kellie day
Lotus Garden, mixed media lotus flower painting
September 8, 2021
Resting Tiger painting
May 22, 2021

Kim's Tulips

Mixed media tulip art.

This deeply textured canvas is adorned with tulips formed by Sufi poetry, tissue paper, handwriting, origami papers and so much more. Each flower is lovingly hand lined with Iridescent Gold paint. These tulips were inspired by a friend's backlit garden. The Parrot Tulips were wild and free, and all lit up on their lacy edges.




48" x 36"

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