Watch a video of how this painting was created on my instagram @kelliedayart
Red-wing Blackbirds in the Cattails
Red-wing Blackbirds in the Cattails, I just finished up this piece for my upcoming June exhibit at 610 Arts Collective.
Every week on my morning walk I love seeing the Red-wing blackbirds in a sea of cattails.
When I was little my mom used to walk me to the pond in Ohio, and I'm guessing it became part of my soul to see the birds in the cattails, and hear the whir of their call.

Nowadays I live near a pond and in the spring, love to find the redwing blackbird in the overripe cattails, as they puff up their chest and call for mates.
This painting borders on the abstract and includes a new spring color palette, handmade bird stamps, and iridescent gold lines.
20" x 20"