Lotus Garden, mixed media lotus flower painting

Kim’s Tulips, mixed media tulip painting
May 24, 2021
Mixed media zebra painting with spray paint, by Kellie Day
Mixed media Zebra painting
November 18, 2021
Mixed media zebra painting with spray paint, by Kellie Day
Mixed media Zebra painting
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Kim’s Tulips, mixed media tulip painting
May 24, 2021

Lotus Garden

Mixed media lotus flowers.

This deeply textured canvas is adorned with lotus flowers formed by Sufi poetry, Chinese papers, handwriting, origami papers and so much more. Each flower is lovingly hand lined with Iridescent Gold paint. These lotus flowers were inspired by a dream. The dark background is made from mixing Bone Black and Indigo, and makes an incredible texture with the Gold Linework.




24" x 36"

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