Dazzle, 24" x 36", mixed media on canvas ©Kellie Day
Dazzle, mixed media butterfly painting
February 20, 2018
Geisha with non-wax encaustic effects, Kellie Day
March 31, 2018
Geisha with non-wax encaustic effects, Kellie Day
March 31, 2018
Dazzle, 24" x 36", mixed media on canvas ©Kellie Day
Dazzle, mixed media butterfly painting
February 20, 2018

Butterfly Transformation

Butterflies are a symbol for bursting free from your current life into a more beautiful one, and because of this, are the perfect representation of our dreams in art. This butterfly came from a class I taught, and a series of butterflies I have been working on. This one has inspirational words and quotes collaged under the wings, and between the flower.




12" x 12"

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