5 Myths that Keep You from Your Art- and How to Bust Them
June 29, 2020
When everyone else’s Art feels better than yours
July 23, 2020I’m a seasonal painter, how about you?
What I mean by that is that all the beauty that’s around me is so inspiring that I paint what’s happening at the moment. If it’s winter, I paint snowy mountains, if it’s fall, I paint golden Aspen Trees, and if it’s spring, I paint Peonies and Poppies!
What moves you to your core? So much so that you have to pay homage to it?
If you’re an artist, this longing seeps into your soul, and you want to hop into your studio and play with all the wonderful materials we use to create adventuresome beauty.
We can’t help it. It’s the color, the movement, the energy of the flowers we’re passing by, that create an unstoppable energy to capture and show it to all the people who don’t have time to stop and smell the flowers.
A lot of these paintings are simply started by being so moved this way, that the vision comes into our head, and we begin the dance of drawing, collaging, choosing colors, and creating negative spaces, to give presence to what’s there.
Yet what reaches the viewer – you – is not any of these things. It’s the emotional connection you have with the painting. Somewhere, somehow, the painting moved you.
Maybe it reminded you of something you love, or a color feels like a warm childhood memory. Or maybe the energy I felt when I painted it somehow was transferred to you, and you felt it.
Nobody fully understands these things. We just know that beauty is our gift to cherish here on the planet. The flowers we see, the paintings we feel, the sweet smells that create nostalgia, and of course the people we share them with – all of this is what makes our lives worth living.
Enjoy this bouquet of flowers!
PS. You can see more of my original paintings here.
OR to see a demonstration of how I paint mixed media flowers, click here.