Nurture Your Soul with Creativity on Winter Nights

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Nurture Your Soul with Creativity on Winter Nights

Nurture your soul with creativity on winter nights

I don’t know about you, but when that sun goes down in the late afternoon, and it gets dark around five, I can feel really down. What really has gotten me UP lately, is getting into some easy art practices that can lead to bigger things.

When it comes to winter and that dark time of year, it’s a good feeling to get in our cozy clothes and just create.

When you connect to your creativity in these long nights, instead of netflix or wine, you can channel that darkness into the movement of your pen or paint brush, and shift your energy into a place of light.

Watch this video to see how your creativity can light up dark nights, AND lead to bigger things:


For those of us who struggle with that darkness at night in the winter, doing something wonderful with your creativity leads to further creativity… like playing with color, and then making bigger paintings.

Even if it’s only 20 minutes – your little creative sketches, or watercolor washes or collages will lead to further creativity.


Creativity leads to more creativity. As soon as you open a door, more ideas come rushing in, and usher a wave of more inspiration to your soul. In this way you are tapping into your ”Creative Vision”. It’s all there waiting for you – all you have to do is start!


If starting is hard, do a “micromovement” as SARK calls it. A micromovement is doing something SO SMALL that it’s easy and gets your started, like laying your supplies out on a table. Next time you walk by the table, you just might open the sketchbook, or even put a pen to it.


Watch this video to see how I nurture creativity on winter nights, AND best of all, how it leads to bigger paintings, and even a series!


With love and creativity,

PS. If you’re ready to start fully living your Art dream, you can Book an Art Breakthrough Call with me to discover how I can help you start doing all of this, so that 2024 can be the year of your Art.

Please don’t book a call if you’re just looking for free information. These calls are for women who are ready to take their Art to the next level now, invest in themselves and express themselves.  If that’s you, I’d love to talk with you. 

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