The Importance of Believing in Yourself as an Artist
January 20, 2019
How to Paint More & Get the World to Value Your Art
February 9, 2019This video is taken from my facebook group , Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality.
If you’re an artist who dreams of making money, or even a living with your art, you are NOT alone.
They challenge for artists who long to be financially fruitful, is that if they AREN’T making money with their art, they often feel like they are failing.
You can lose motivation to paint if your art isn’t selling. Or even give up on your art altogether.
The truth is, your art is not going to sell on its own, just because you make beautiful paintings.
Creatives want to have an artist business, and have their paintings magically sell – BUT LET’S BUST THE STARVING ARTIST MYTH! Art is like any other business – you have to have a marketing plan, spend money on advertising, have a professional website (not a free one), and get out and build relationships and network. You have to find channels for selling your art, and work your buns off. You have to invest in your business, not matter what you’re selling.
The starving artist myth only comes from the idea that your art should magically sell on it’s own, even when you don’t know how to run a business.
And sorry, one social media post isn’t enough.
Being an entrepreneur is not for everybody, and that’s why galleries have been such a big part of the art business. Because most artists don’t want to sell their own work.
So let’s talk about some ways to make money as an artist…
Nowadays we CAN make money with our art – and that’s the beautiful thing! Here are some tips for getting going:
ONE: Establish your art, and be a professional. Don’t wait forever to put your art out there, but make sure you have a process you love, and a style that is unique, and that you know how to make your OWN art, not just copy others.
What do you have to say to the world?
What is unique about YOU? Know how to make archival, professional quality paintings. And most of all, know how to paint from your HEART and your SOUL. The world needs your gift.
If you are still struggling with number ONE, stop now and watch my free Masterclass here.
TWO: Decide what you want for your Art – How do you DREAM of seeing your paintings out there in the world?
Do you want to see your art on products? Do you want to sell originals? Do you want to sell prints on Etsy? Do you love to teach? Or do you want to do online programs like I do?
It’s rare that artists make a full time living on just selling originals. These days, we get to piece together what we love to make a living as a creative. It’s so FUN!
Make your list of how you’d ENJOY (you have to enjoy it, or you’ll never sustain it) making money with your art. Then get started on the one that calls to you most!
THREE: Once your art is ready to start selling, seek out the help of an expert to understand how to market it. DON’T try to figure it out all on your own, unless you want to take years to make it happen. Do a search for Art Business Coaches, or hire a marketing expert who understands Art. I have spent oodles hiring experts, and that’s why I’m where I am today. It’s worth it, if you are serious about making money with your art.
FOUR: Be willing to invest in yourself – if you don’t invest in yourself, no one else will. That means get a professional website, spend money on marketing, pay for nice wine & cheese filled art openings, and print quality images of your art. Be a go getter. It won’t happen if you just paint and hope it sells.
Investing in yourself really means that you believe in yourself. That you KNOW down deep inside that you are good.
(And if you don’t, go back to step ONE and make your paintings stronger NOW.)
There’s soooo much more to all of this, but this is a TRUTH BOMB and a broad overview of how to make money with your art, AND why the starving artist myth is a bunch of malarkey.
If you’re not ready to sell, but you’re ready to start making the best art of your life, you can reach out to me for an Art Breakthrough Call. These calls are for women who KNOW they have beautiful art inside of them, but need the recipe and the roadmap to get it out.
If you are ready to do something different, and get the help you need to start making the most meaningful, professional paintings of your life, you can book a call with me here. IMPORTANT: You must be ready to invest in yourself and your art. Do not book a call with me if you are just looking for free information.
OR, you can Watch the full video above, on How to Make Money with Your Art & Bust the Starving Artist Myth.
Happy Painting!
ps. Scroll down to see some beautiful words from my most recent grads …