Why all those Online Classes aren’t Moving Your Art Forward
October 31, 2018
Connecting with Spirit Through Your Art This Holiday Season
December 8, 2018
This video is taken from my facebook group of women who want to take their art from dabbling to Professional quality.
Do you think about making a living as an artist? There’s a big difference between being a full-time artist – making your living at it – and doing it part time.
Even if you’re not a full-time artist, you can still make gorgeous heart-felt paintings and sell them. And this is key BEFORE you become a full-fledged, income earning PRO.
You have to know who you are, what your art is all about, and why it’s unique. What are you offering that everyone else isn’t?
Once you nail that, you can look at earning a living. But if you put the cart before the horse, you’ll never know the difference between what’s coming from YOUR soul, and what’s coming from all of those outside influences you’re looking at, when you’re trying to figure out what will sell.
Do you want to be able to walk around your studio and look at your art and LOVE it – and feel that it deeply soothes you? Whether your art is selling or not, this is a deep knowing that you are living your fullest life.
So the big question is: which one do you want to be?…
If you make art while thinking about what will sell, it is not the purest expression of YOU. You are watering all of your creativity down with a filter of: “what will my buyers like”?
Selling art is super fun and rewarding – to create something for a reason – and to get it out there in the world where people will love it.
BUT THE BIG QUESTION IS… do you KNOW you can create truly authentic art from your soul first? Do you have that yearning to connect with your spirit, and the desire to share that with others through your art?
If your art is not there yet – not as heartfelt and amazing as you know it can be, and there’s a nagging voice in your head that you want your art to be more uniquely YOU, I can help you get there. Book an Art Breakthrough Call call with me here, and we’ll talk about how to get you there.
If you’re already there, and you think you’re ready to become a full time PRO artist, making the bacon for the family… Click here to see my latest video on what it takes to be a full time artist.
Please be aware these Art Breakthrough Calls are not for everyone. This is only for you if:
* You are ready to do something different than you have been doing and are ready to do it NOW! You are done gathering free information, and trying to do it yourself and fix it alone, and are committed to taking action and ending your state of putting everything else in front of your art.
* You are Coachable and open to having a real conversation about where you are stuck so I can truly help you.
* You are ready to live your dream instead of your excuses, and invest in your art the REST of your life, and ready to make it happen now.
If that sounds like you, then this call is for you. CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE
With love and creativity,