Featured Artist: Kellie Day Solo Exhibit at Telluride Arts
July 8, 2024
Before & After: Rochelle’s Painting Transformation + Sneak Peek into My Mentoring Program
July 21, 2024Do you want to make 5 paintings in 5 days? Below I’m giving you exactly how to do this.
Making art is spiritual, it’s your highest calling. We are all creative, but many of us ignore it because it’s easier to stay busy in our day-to-day tasks.
But when years go by, and we haven’t created it feels pretty blah.
On the other hand, when we honor our creative calling and give ourselves the time to paint, it feels spectacular.
- Life becomes more rewarding than ever.
- We start to believe in ourselves
- We are filled with purpose and joy
- We have something special and beautiful to share with the world
Do you want to fill your life with creativity? … Or wake up ten years down the road and have kept up with your to-do list?
When I was married, I was too afraid to speak up for what I wanted to do, so I did everything my husband wanted. It was easier that way. But guess where that left me after ten years? Miserable, and not feeling honored. I didn’t know who I was anymore.
We are the only ones who can make our art happen. It’s not the husband’s fault.
We have one life, and it is our greatest creation.
Today I want to help you start painting, and make it easy for you.
So here’s my 5 paintings in 5 days recipe.
Do it now, then share your work with me (and I’ll actually go look at it), in my facebook group here.
Let’s jump in with this formula. It works every time, but only if you give it 100% …
- Decide on a medium or process that you enjoy, and that has worked successfully for you in the past. Don’t overthink it.
- Clean your studio and set out your supplies on your art table (or kitchen table). Surround yourself with things that inspire you only – like pretty papers, pens, paint, and colors that you love.
- Grab a latte, ice tea or your favorite beverage, and look for 5 ideas that excite you: Is it 5 summer flowers, or 5 summer fruits or vegetables from your garden, 5 shoes, or 5 butterflies? Keep it simple.
- Paint first – For five days, start your painting first, before any other tasks. You can do this for 5 days.
- Do one painting a day, do it quick and don’t overthink it. Stay in your “beginner’s mind” of just being playful. Don’t try to make a masterpiece. Just by making art your are elevating your consciousness.
- Know your numbers – Expect to not like at least 2 of your paintings. Just get them out of the way. You may like 2 of them. And if you’re lucky and you play and don’t overthink it, you may love one of them. That’s five.
The Pro artist – Knows these numbers are how it goes. Making some paintings you don’t like is not failure, it’s one step closer to your next great painting. So jump in and start now. That’s the key.
With love,
PS. If you feel like you can’t get started on your own, it’s okay. We all need a jump start sometimes. If you’re ready to start making paintings you love now, consistently, I can help. … I’ve mentored over 200 women to become artists, and you can do it too. You can book a call with me here to see if we’re a fit to work together in my Art Mentoring program. Please note these calls are not for free coaching. They are for women who are ready to take their painting to the next level now and invest in themselves, so they can live the rest of their lives as thriving artists. If that’s you, I can get you there!
PSS. Scroll down to see what my latest students have to say…