Painting with Wild Abandon
September 7, 2019
From Challenge to Empowered Artist
Going From a Long Term Challenge to Being an Empowered Artist
October 5, 2019
Painting with Wild Abandon
September 7, 2019
From Challenge to Empowered Artist
Going From a Long Term Challenge to Being an Empowered Artist
October 5, 2019
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Are You Living in Your Joyful, Creative Place?


This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality

I was just talking with a woman who had not painted in six years. She had breast cancer, and had gone through a few tough years. Her energy had been zapped, and although she used to paint, here she was, unable to get back into the flow of her art again.

This is a conversation I actually have often with women. And if you feel like you’ve lost your spark, or your ability to live in your joyful, creative place – you aren’t alone. Life often whoops you upside the head.

The truth is that a lot of women I talk with have been living on a plain of less happiness than they could. And it’s because of these two things:

  1. They think they can figure it out themselves, even though they haven’t painted much or at all for YEARS (hello)
  2. They are living in fear and afraid to take a leap of faith and try something different to feel more joy and flow.

If you love art, and know that increases your happiness level in a big way, if you have been unable to get back to that creative place of living, read on… you might be noticing the signs.

  • You haven’t painted for years or you’re not liking what you paint
  • You’re noticing that you’re jealous of your friends who are doing it
  • You’re starting to doubt you can do this
  • You’re STUCK and it’s making you feel like you’re wasting your time or abilities
  • You know you have a life purpose, and you’re wondering if this is ever going to happen.

If you’re noticing this just ask yourself: Do I want to live in my creative flow and joy? My happy place? Or do I just want to exist or live in fear?

If you’re self worth is going down and you’re losing your confidence. If you’re not being an inspiration to your kids or the people you love, it’s time to do something different…

I’m an Art Mentor who’s a straight shooter. And if I don’t show you the truth, and show you what you’re missing out on, I am not doing my job.

And the truth is that if you haven’t figured out how to get going on your art by now, chances are extremely low that you’re ever going to. OR you’re going to keep dabbling for years.

Whatever you are doing – youtube videos, classes, maybe painting with friends, or maybe just dreaming about your art – if you’re not moving forward with your art, here’s the key:

You have to do something DIFFERENT in order to get a different result.

If you keep doing the same thing, guess what? You get the same result.

Here’s what it looks like when you jump into something that you KNOW is right for you, even if it’s scary. (The fear, by the way, is how you know it’s the right thing. It’s that thing that makes your heart beat faster)…

  • It looks like Dede, who graduated from my program and did her first show this month, AND SOLD FOUR PAINTINGS – and posted that she’s “Over the Moon” about it! (see her photos below!)
  • It looks like Melody who has finally stepped into her confidence and love for herself, and is sharing her gift with all the women she teaches art to.
  • It looks like Juli, who never believed in herself due to a difficult family history, and started making a series of portraits that had great meaning to her, and won two awards while we were working together.

I could go on and on with all the examples of the women I work with who are having incredible successes, but the main question is, DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPIER, MORE CREATIVE, LIVING IN JOY AND MAKING YOUR BEST ART?

GALS, if you do, and if you’re not painting, why wait another six years to begin? When you can get the recipe and the roadmap  to know how to dive into your art and your happiness for the rest of your life.?

If you’re tired of not living in your joyful, creative place, I invite you to book a call with me today. I’ll help you get clarity on what you need to move forward, and we’ll make a plan to do that. I have opened up a few spots on my calendar this week, and they go fast. If this is you, you can book your call at

Please note: These calls are NOT for everyone. Do not book a call with me if you are looking for free information. you must be ready to step into your most creative, joyful place NOW, and not wait another day. You must be ready to get the help you need and committed to trying something different.

If this is you, I’d love to talk with you! Book your call at

Talk with you soon!

Kellie Day mixed media artist

ps. See some photos from my latest grads below…








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