Jean went from Lack of Confidence to Painting Daily & Feeling Worthy
December 6, 2019
How to Make your Paintings More Professional
December 29, 2019Some women don’t believe they are good enough, and it literally keeps them from making paintings.
• They have the fear of messing their paintings up, and they don’t have the confidence to trust in themselves, or the tools to work through these tricky spots.
• Or maybe they’ve never had anyone believe in their art, and they need some love, support and encouragement that they will create something of value in this lifetime.
All we have to offer is ourselves in this lifetime. Your art ability is a package you arrive with in your soul. And you can choose to open that package , and let all of your gifts out. .. OR we can stay scared and small.
If you don’t listen to this creative calling, there’s a part of you that will always wonder what you could have done.
Maybe you’re getting close to retirement, or you’re becoming an empty nester. Are you going to spend the next twenty years keeping your house clean, or are you going to believe in yourself and take a leap to make that art that’s been calling you all of these years?
How do you feel when you see other women you know doing a show, winning an award, or selling a painting? Do you want to feel small and never really live your true ability, with that yucky feeling of jealousy inside, or do you want that to be you?
Some women think they’ll get around to it, and they keep thinking about it. People who think about it are WAITERS. People who are painting are PAINTERS. It’s that simple.
THE TRUTH IS the only way to make your paintings really star to happen is to HAVE GRACE WITH YOURSELF.
Getting through your limiting beliefs is about deciding you are good enough.
This means that even if your paintings aren’t a Van Gogh or an immediate masterpieces – that you are a lovable girl, and what you make matters.
You have to be willing to give yourself that grace to make your art. Because if you keep going, and are willing to keep going – you will make some wonderful work, and that’s an amazing feeling.
Being an artist is not about making only masterpieces. It is about expressing your TRUTH.
It’s not about listening to the critiques in your life, or the negative voices in your head. Those negative voices are just about 50 years of the habit of DOWN -TALKING to yourself. Don’t go another year in that bad habit.
INSTEAD , simply know that you are worthy of expressing your unique view of this world.
I work with women every day who are making gorgeous paintings – and even doing shows and selling – because TOGETHER we are getting them unblocked and moving past their limiting beliefs.
It’s about these three things:
- Getting out of your own way – All yourself to believe you can do this , and forgive yourself if it’s not perfect
- Getting a practical, step-by-step toolset for making paintings with your unique personality – including all the jazzy snazzy, quirky and fun parts
- Getting the love and support to push through and start living as that artist you know you are, and taking that to new and exciting places!
When you’re doing that, you’ll get to wake up every day and be excited to paint because you know what to do.
You get to feel that purpose of holding your head high because you feel good about your ability
And this affects ALL areas of your life. This gives you the confidence to create a body of work with YOUR personality, and even do a show and start selling.
If that’s you, and you are finally ready to do something different, and start living the life as an artist that you know you were meant to do, you can book a call with me…
I’ve opened up a few spots on my calendar this week to speak with a few women who are committed to finally being an artist in 2020.
If that’s you, you can book a call with me at kelliedayart.com/booking. There are only a few spots, and they go fast, so don’t wait. The calls are free, and we will get on the phone and get clarity on what’s holding you back, and what you need to move forward.
**Please note – These calls are not for everyone. Please do not book a call with me if you are looking for free information. You must be a heartfelt woman with a strong creative calling, who has led a loving life but is missing that one big thing of fulfilling your OWN Heart, and your own dream of being an artist. You must be ready get the support to finally make this happen.
If that’s you, I’d love to talk with you. Book your call at kelliedayart.com/booking/
Talk with you soon!
ps. See some words from my latest grads below…
This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality