Overcoming Negative Voices & Why the Perfect Time is Always Now to Do Your Art

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Overcoming Negative Voices & Why the Perfect Time is Always Now to Do Your Art

live interview with michele barinaga and kellie day

This video is taken from my Transform Your Art Facebook Group for women who want to go from Dabbling in art, to creating Professional Quality Paintings

Despite a tumultuous time of going through a divorce, Michele decided to choose her art, and take immediate action to start living her life as the artist she’s always wanted to be.

Michele was always creative, and a mother with five beautiful children, but something was nagging at her that there was more. She had a void and her soul ached to be where she wanted to be with her art.

“I asked myself, who am I going to be in three months from now, or six months from now? I had it in my mind, ‘If you are waiting to do your art, you’re a waiter, if you are painting, you’re an artist.’”

Hear Michele’s inspiring story of how she took great risks, leaped in at the worst time, overcame her negative self-talk, and discovered her greatest personal joy of finally living as an artist.

Michele has inspired her kids by choosing her art. She has created an vibrant, unique body of work that she is really proud of, and has a goal to show in 2020.

“I think my best years are to come, and I’m excited that because I did this for me. And for those of you that are parents, it encompasses so much of your life, and you’re doing for others –whether its children or family or career – to take something for yourself, and know that you’re worth it, and that this is really critical for you, it’s life changing. And it really has changed my life … I feel like I’m emerging, and I have a life to live that’s really exciting. It’s a new life as an artist.”


Happy listening!

p.s. If you are ready to say ‘Yes’ to YOUR art, like Michele did, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here. Please note these calls are not for everyone. You must be committed to being the artist you were meant to be now, and getting the support you needs to do this … If that’s YOU, I’d love to talk with you!

“The perfect time is now, always … If you have in your soul the need to be creative, and you know that you’re meant to be, then you’ll know it’s right. You need to just jump in and take the risk. It has totally changed my life at the most critical time possible for me.”

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Cristin Johnson
Cristin Johnson
August 21, 2019 5:20 pm

Dear Michelle!
You are so bold and beautiful!!! Thank you for making and working and keeping the energy bright for our world! I really enjoyed your interview; you are at ease in your element and so insightful. I appreciate how you are connecting your life experience and your creative process. It is clear you are on the right path and you can handle it, even enjoy the ride!
Love, Light and Gratitude,