Jean went from Lack of Confidence to Painting Daily & Feeling Worthy

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Jean went from Lack of Confidence to Painting Daily & Feeling Worthy

Jean Silver interview with Kellie Day

This video is taken from my Transform Your Art Facebook Group for women who want to go from Dabbling in art, to creating Professional Quality Paintings

Jean’s confidence and motivation to create were waning. She had tried imitating other artists, and taken a lot of online courses, but still didn’t have the direction and the feedback she needed to move forward with her art.

“I was avoiding my art. I kept finding other things to do… I didn’t think I was worthy of being an artist. So now that we have gone through this process, I am in my studio every day. I feel like I’m an artist, and I can be in here and enjoy it.”

Jean wanted to explore creating her own style and voice rather than mimicking other artists. She wanted a road map for establishing herself as an artist.

Now, in just SIX WEEKS, she’s in the studio almost everyday. She’s receiving positive feedback from friends and family, she has some really great paintings that she loves, and a plan to actually do a show! … Most of all, she’s loving the process and seeing the results in her paintings.

“The whole process of your course, your course has specific daily tasks, and you want to get in there and do your homework. The process now gets me in here every day, and it’s something that’s lasted.”

Jean feels more confident, and no longer hesitates to call herself an “artist”. Listen to Jean’s inspiring story in this video, of how she went from lack of motivation and confidence TO PAINTING EVERY DAY, and planning a show!

“I didn’t want to just be an instagram groupie, hoping for random likes. Now when people come into my studio now, and see my art, they like it, it feels just great.”

Happy listening!

ps. scroll down to see words from my recent grads …

p.s. If you are ready to say ‘Yes’ to YOUR art, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here, like Jean did just a few months ago. Please note these calls are not for everyone. Do not book a call with me if you are looking for free information. You must be brave enough to believe in yourself, and take action to become the artist you were meant to be. You must be ready to focus your time and energy into making this dream happen now.

… If that’s YOU, I’d love to talk with you!

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