The Journey of this Artful Life – an Interview with Cristin Johnson

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The Journey of this Artful Life – an Interview with Cristin Johnson

The Journey of this Artful Life – an Interview with Cristin Johnson

This video is taken from my Transform Your Art Facebook Group for women who want to go from Dabbling in art, to creating Professional Quality Paintings

As a lifelong creative spirit, Cristin has gone from years of being stuck in perfectionism and not painting, to discovering her voice as an artist and creating a series of paintings in just a few months… Now she’s ready to take the next step and book an art show!

In the beginning Cristin felt that it was going to be too hard to be an artist, that she was too busy. But this is exactly why most women go for decades without doing their art, and end up feeling a lack of purpose by the time they reach their 50’s or 60’s.

In this interview you can hear her inspiring story of how she learned to make her art a priority, find the time in a busy life, and put all the pieces together to finally be waking up everyday excited to paint and living her true purpose as an artist.

“(Our art) is inside of us. It is inside of us, and available. It is up to us, it is our choice. We can say ‘Yes!’ … and it’s a true gift. And if you have the urge to create, I hope you can say ‘Yes’, because it’s so great.”

Happy listening!

p.s. If you are ready to say ‘Yes’ to YOUR art, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here, like Cristin did a few months ago. Please note these calls are not for everyone. You must be committed to being the artist you were meant to be now, and getting the support you needs to do this, and be emotionally and financially stable so that you are able to focus your time, energy and finances into achieving this goal!

… If that’s YOU, I’d love to talk with you!

“When you’re having the most exciting life, there’s a treasure hunt every day… Now I feel empowered to be able to express the happiness that I feel when I see these beautiful things, to express myself.” – Cristin

Cristin Johnson art

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