Did You Go to Art School but You’re Still not an Artist?
April 29, 2022
Are These Outdated Myths about Artists Holding you Back?
May 20, 2022In this Artist interview, hear how Chrystene and Amy went from perfectionism to connecting with their hearts, creating their own paintings and having success and shows with their Art!
Amy was hung up on doing Art for approval, and caught in perfectionist for a long time. She got to a point where she wanted to be more expressive and find her own style. But she didn’t know what to do, how to do it and how to get help.
Her Art didn’t move her. And she didn’t know how to unlock the Art inside of her that expressed what she was feeling.
Chrystene was painting and painting, but didn’t have her own style. She wasn’t creating from her heart. She was painting but she felt something was missing.
Exhausted from always being focused on others as a healthcare social worker, creating Art to get others approval, and she had no idea how to make the shift.
Both women felt a piece of THEM was missing in their Art.
Amy and Chrystene both decided to finally prioritize their Art and value their Art and themselves.
“If you don’t value your art, no one else will”, says Chrystene.
Within less than a year of working with me, Amy became one of ten artists who were asked to show two pieces in an elite show in Cincinnati.
Chrystene has been invited to be in a juried show with her portrait paintings, and now has an Etsy site up and is selling. She has created three series of paintings with her own voice.
“(As women) We are caretakers. We love our people, and put others first. ..but there comes a time when I have to take care of myself, to learn to put my wants and dreams up at the top also.” says Amy.
“Make yourself a priority, no one else is going to. You can’t wait.” – Chrystene
ps. If you’d like to start creating your own unique art, and even show and sell, but you don’t know how – I can help.
You can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me like Chrystene and Amy did less than a year ago. We’ll get on the phone for about an hour and find out what’s holding you back in your Art, and what you need to move forward. If I can help you achieve your Art dream, I’ll show you what that looks like. Book your call here – (Please do not book a call with me if you are looking for free information.) These calls are for women who are ready to put their Art first and invest in themselves. If that’s you, I can’t wait to meet you!
“What helped me succeed with my Art was deciding to prioritize my happiness and myself and who I am, and investing in myself and my talents.” – Amy
“I went to a play and heard this quote, ‘Invite your dreams, don’t fight your dreams’. And I thought, “But what if I fail?” … But the alternative is, what if I don’t have a dream? What kind of life is that?” – Chrystene