Quickie Art Projects to Lift You Up
March 18, 2020
How to Ignite Your Painting during Home-bound Times
May 2, 2020For those of you who are looking for playful art projects during these home-bound days, here’s a class on how to paint mixed media birds.
This is a great beginner project, if you’re interested in learning mixed media painting. OR for experienced artists who could use an uplifting exercise or art prompt.
If you’re looking for more after this video, I’ve loaded more “Quickie Art Projects” to my YOUTUBE channel, and there will be more to come, to help you get through any stress, quarantine, or general spirit-lifting needed.
… If you’re ready for a Creative Lift, and you just need a little bit of help getting started, ENJOY these free videos! … And don’t forget to post your projects on my Facebook Group here, so we can all enjoy and share together.
Love and light to all of you… and Happy Painting!
ps. If you want to take your art further, I’ve opened up a few spots on my calendar this week for a few committed women. If you would like to to discuss an art Mentorship, and start living your life as the Artist you were meant to be, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here . These calls are only for women who are ready to take their art to the next level and invest in themselves now.
pss. Scroll down to see words from my latest Graduates…