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My Holiday Art Gifts painting class is officially OPEN!

Holiday Gifts Painting Projects with Kellie Day

Dragonfly painting project, and art class with Kellie Day. Use this process to create paintings with any subject you like!

Make Holiday Art Gifts

I’m so excited to share my new class with you! Until midnight on Sunday, you can sign up for this brand new Class and paint a Whimsical Dragonfly Painting for an introductory FIFTY PERCENT OFF.

Create exciting, Holiday  presents for your friends and family this year!

This incredibly playful project presents you with a joyful way to get into your creative flow, loosen WAY up & make delightful paintings.

You can take 50% off on this brand new class right here.

I’m holding this HOLIDAY introductory sale because I know how it feels to scramble around the stores and try to figure out what everyone wants for presents.

I also know how it feels to go a little stir crazy (as much as we love our family), and how GOOD it feels to sit at the table and paint! (My nieces love it too!)

Here’s where you can get your access and save 50% this time around.

And because I really love getting you fired up for your Art, I’m also throwing in these 3 fantastic gifts for you to feel inspired every day:

  • Bonus 1: 52 Reasons Your Art is Important POSTER (Worth $15): Don’t let the chores get you – you can look up on your wall (or desktop) every day and be reminded why putting your Art first is so crucial. Enjoy this colorful version of one of my most popular posts.
  • Bonus 2: Exclusive Private Facebook Community (priceless!): Community is one of the biggest things Artists crave. Enjoy this safe space to share your work from my classes, get to know others, and support your fellow Artists!


  • Bonus 3: 50% OFF of THREE MORE Inspiring Painting Projects (Value $59): If you want to have plenty of projects to keep creating over the Holidays, you will also receive 50% OFF of 3 more projects when you purchase the Holiday Gifts class.

There’s so much goodness that all combined can be priced at $153 and beyond… but today, it’s all yours as part of me spreading Holiday Cheer for just $37.

I’m not sure when – or if, – I will bundle so many projects like this again (because I’m usually so focused on my Art Mentoring students)  …

Start painting today, and claim your access to my Holiday Art Gifts Class now – by clicking the link below.

You can read more here: https://kelliedayart.lpages.co/holiday-gift-painting-project/

With Love,

P.S. This introductory half off sale ends at midnight on Sunday. So if you’ve ever wanted to have an easy process to create your own Art Gifts with mixed media painting … then go here, take 50% off, and claim your access to my brand new Holiday Gifts class now. 

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