From Unsure of Her Art, to Full Time Artist and Teacher
November 15, 2019
Jean Silver interview with Kellie Day
Jean went from Lack of Confidence to Painting Daily & Feeling Worthy
December 6, 2019
From Unsure of Her Art, to Full Time Artist and Teacher
November 15, 2019
Jean Silver interview with Kellie Day
Jean went from Lack of Confidence to Painting Daily & Feeling Worthy
December 6, 2019
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Tapping into a Higher Creative Channel

Tapping into a Higher Creative Channel with Kellie Day

This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality

Sometimes women stare at the canvas and can’t get ideas for their paintings. They feel “blocked”, they feel limited in what they can create. And then they begin doubting themselves and judging themselves.

The result is that a lot of women don’t ever tap into their greatest capabilities, because they feel limited by the ideas they can come up with for their art in the moment, or that year.

Time and again I see students who can’t get to the creating they feel called to do, because they can’t get past their own self judgement and make the art they feel is inside of them.

A lot of women believe that if they’re not feeling creative, or coming up with creative ideas, that they aren’t that talented, and could never make anything happen with their art – but that’s not true. The truest form of art is a direct connection to spirit.

What I mean by this is that there is a creativity that is much larger than you or I .

There is a great creative channel just waiting for you to tap into it.

It’s in the flowers you see, the air you breath, the love you feel, the sensation of touch on your skin, the taste of a new flavor on your tongue.

Your Sweet Ass, mixed media on canvas by Kellie Day, 40" x 30", ©2013, Available

BEING A CREATIVE PERSON is about learning to open up to these senses as a creative being. And just because you don’t know how to do that at this moment, doesn’t mean you can’t.

You KNOW you are a creative person if you have that calling. You may notice you’re more sensitive than others, you may be able to feel more than your friends.

You may have more difficulty shaking off your emotions, bc they are powerful and passionate.

For artists, we have these heightened sense and feelings, and ART IS SIMPLY A WAY TO OPEN THESE CHANNELS.

As we become more seasoned painters, we open a wider channel to our ability to connect with expressing these feelings. It’s about developing three things in order to do this:

  1. Developing your creative “muscle” to get out of your blocks and begin actually doing the art
  2. Getting your negative voices OUT OF THE WAY so you can do the art you were put here to make.
  3. Learning a PROCESS – a step by step transformation for how to express your inspirations on canvas, so you’re making art regularly.

When you reach this place, there is no shortage of ideas or inspiration.

You begin living a more inspired life, connecting with a more creative lifestyle, being more in tune with the goodness in you, feeling better about yourself.

Because you now know it’s not that you didn’t’ have the ability to make great art, it’s that you just didn’t know how to tap into it and the practical steps for HOW to do it.

If you KNOW this is YOU, but you don’t know how to get there. If you need a PLAN and the love and SUPPORT to begin truly living your life as an artist in 2020, and not putting it off another year, I can help…

If that’s you, you can book a call with me at There are only a few spots this week, and they go fast, so don’t wait. The calls are free, and we will get on the phone and get clarity on what’s holding you back from using your greatest gift.

These calls are not for everyone, please do not book a call with me if you are looking for free information. You must be a heartfelt woman who is ready to do something different to start living your life as an artist once and for all – no excuses. If that’s you, you can book a call with me at

Talk with you soon!

Kellie Day mixed media artist

ps. See some words from my latest grads below…


praise for kellie day program

review of kellie day program









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