How to Get in Your Studio When You Don’t Have Any Time

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How to Get in Your Studio When You Don’t Have Any Time

How to Get in Your Studio When You Don’t Have Any Time

So often women tell me they are not getting into their studio because they are too busy.

  • Life is too full.
  • The kids need them.
  • The dog has to go to the vet.
  • And all these things are REAL, yet if we let them take the upper hand we can go for DECADES without painting.
  • The worst part is there are symptoms of not painting: we feel bad about ourselves because we aren’t doing it.

The truth is, as one of my students pointed out (I learn from them as much as they learn from me),  if you are PAINTING, you are a painter. And if you are waiting to paint, then you are a waiter.

Which is kind of what Yoda was trying to say all along….

do or do not, there is no try -yoda

There is soooo much to this subject, and so many tips to be offered on time management, and so many artists to study to find out how THEY did it. This is part of what I work with women on in my Transform Your Art program. (watch my free Masterclass here)

In this video, I give you my quick tips on how to get your buns in the studio when you simply don’t have ANY time, and how you can even start a whole series this way! ….

And if you are tired of being a waiter, and ready to do something drastically different to move your art drastically forward (because this effects EVERYTHING in your life for the better), then you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me. We’ll get clarity on where you are stuck and how to get you moving forward. And we’ll talk about a possible art mentorship, if we’re a fit.

Please note these calls are ONLY for women who are emotionally and financial stable, and ready to invest in themselves and their art. If that’s you, you can book your breakthrough call with me here:

“The truly free individual is only free to the extent of his/her own self-mastery.” – Steven Pressfield

Happy Painting!

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