Do What You Love Always – Interview with Artist Andrea Lopez
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Do What You Love Always – Interview with Artist Andrea Lopez
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The Most Exciting Way to Create Art

The biggest reason women have trouble getting started with their Art, is that they think they’re supposed to create a “masterpiece”.

When women have that much pressure – they freeze up and give on the painting.

OR they get started, and then get stuck and don’t finish. The negative voices tell them it’s not a masterpiece, and then the sinking feeling creeps in, and it’s all over. When this happens over and over, it’s easy to lose motivation to paint at all!

I talk with so many women who have trouble getting started with their Art, so let’s look at the BEST way to do that…

The BEST way to GET EXCITED to CREATE ART is all about these three things:

ONE – Find what you are passionate about painting today – If you’re not excited about what you’re painting, it’s not going to be an exciting painting. This may sound obvious, but if you’re feeling lukewarm about your subject, or your colors, or your composition, it’s time to switch to something that lights your fire.

TWO – Play play play play play – I cannot say this enough (obviously). If you set your expectations at creating a masterpiece, you will put a ton of pressure on yourself, and most likely be disappointed. But if you say to yourself, “I’m just going to play with these things that excite me today”, and see what happens, things can get pretty exciting if something works out!.

THREE – Get in an inspired mood –  It’s true, you have to show up and paint if you want to be an artist, but let’s face it – it’s not easy to paint when you’re not in an “inspired” mood. TIP: If you’re not in an inspired mood, you can still get in your studio and organize, or make little doodles or color swatches. It’s all about being an Artist. But to really get painting, it helps to feel inspired. How do you do that? HINT: It all starts with Self Care.

The Take-Home message for today: Get excited, get inspired, and play with your art supplies. If you go into your studio unenthusiastically, you’ll only be disappointed.

If that’s you, I can help… If you’re ready to be brave and start living your life as an Artist, I offer a free “Art Breakthrough call” with my team. We’ll get on the phone for about half an hour and find out what’s holding you back in your Art, and what you need to move forward. And if we can help you, we’ll show you what that looks like.

If that’s you, you can book a call at

Please don’t book a call if you are just looking for free information. These calls are for women who know they have a creative calling, and are ready to give themselves the gift of finally taking their Art to the next level. If that’s you, we’d love to talk with you. You can book your call at

Happy Painting!

ps. Scroll down to see what my latest students are saying…



Book your Art Breakthrough call here.

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