VIDEO: Are You Living Your Passion?
September 21, 2018
VIDEO: 5 Ways to Stand Out in a Crowded Art Market
October 12, 2018This is video is from my Transform Your Art Facebook group for super creative women who want to take their art from Dabbling to Professional Quality.
Are you looking on the internet and seeing all these artists and wondering if you’re good enough?
OR maybe you haven’t made very many good paintings in a while and you aren’t feeling very talented.
Are you noticing someone else’s brush strokes are so much more confident than yours?
Do you wonder if you can make enough art for a show, ’cause you keep getting stopped by your belief in yourself?
What can happen when you don’t feel you have enough talent, is you can get really dejected.
Enough to even stop painting.
If you don’t feel l ike you have enough talent, you never really go for it.
You keep putting your art off, and letting everything else come first.
And the result is you stop painting, or you can’t start, or you can’t work through it.
Watch this video and find out the difference between someone who’s really rocking their art, and someone who isn’t. And why talent has NOTHING to do with it.
ps.Share this post with a creative friend who needs it!