How Art Parallels Your Real Life
April 18, 2022
Interview with Artists Chrystene Thomas and Amy Johnson
May 13, 2022So many women have spent years of their lives, and tens of thousands of dollars to go to Art school, and they still don’t feel like a real Artist.
Some of them are not painting at all.
Some are starting and stopping, and not making forward progress – after years of this they feel like they’ve lost a part of themselves.
Where did that fun adventuresome creative girl go?
It’s as if they’re living in a virtual prison – not fully living. Doubting themselves, and wondering where their spark for life went.
The deceiving part of all of this is that the other areas of their lives are great. So it’s easy to just keep going like this, enjoying their families and nice homes, jobs and live.
But they’re all walking around missing this one big piece of THEMSELVES.
They’re tired of not expressing themselves.
WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? Why is Art school not enough?
A lot of women try classes and workshops and painting with friends to get their Art going again. (I recently had a woman who was ready to work with me and her friend talked her out of it – so be sure to surround yourself with friends who support your Art) … But they’re still not able to CONSISTENTLY and CONFIDENTLY express paintings that are really them – without copying.
The truth is making Art is about more than learning techniques or new mediums. It’s about WAY more than just taking classes or going to school…
Art is Life. And if you are not connected to your painting anymore – If you don’t know how to go into your Art space and feel DELIGHTED and know how to make gorgeous pieces with fun materials and stunning colors CONSISTENTLY – then you have lost your creative connection.
You’ve lost a piece of yourself. So you get to ask yourself, “Am I okay with living my life as a creative person who hasn’t fulfilled her soul calling?”
Making art is about more than going to Art school.
– It’s about believing in yourself.
– Letting go of the demons in your head that have held you back your whole life
– It’s about not playing small anymore.
– Learning how to get in your studio and start paintings easily and happily, without all the pressure
– Knowing how to create from your OWN voice so you’re not copying your teachers anymore
– Having the tools to pull your painting together at the end and finish it – so you LOVE it
– Painting with emotion so that you are moving people.
And when you put all of these pieces together, you will have a style, and you will be selling your Art.
If you’re tired of not feeling like a real Artist and not being fully expressed, I can get you there. All you need to do is stop telling yourself you can figure this out on your own, or you’ll do it later.
Later never comes. And women rarely figure out how to be thriving Artists out on their own. If you could have done this on your own, you would have by now.
If you’re ready to finally realize those years of Art school and not waste any more time, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here.
Please do not book a call with me if you are just looking for free information. You must be ready to invest in yourself and get the support you need to start fully living as a creative soul. If that’s you, I’d love to talk with you.