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VIDEO: Developing Your Voice as an Artist

Developing Your Style as an Artist

Developing Your Style as an Artist

Having a unique style of your own when painting is a sign of professionalism and a chance for success as an artist. But it’s becoming harder and harder to do, with all of the art on the ‘net these days.

You might know you’re struggling with your style if you’re experiencing some of these things…

Do you feel like your art looks like everyone else’s?

Do you feel like your heart isn’t being expressed in your painting, and it’s more mechanical than representative of YOU?

Are you feeling like your art would be more professional and exciting if it was more unique?

Before you’ve developed your style, your art will blend in with everyone else’s, or look like your teacher’s style.

If you’re stuck here, it’s hard to make a name for yourself, and it’s harder to sell if there’s nothing unique about your art.

If you don’t know how to express your style in your art, you won’t move people emotionally. And people want to FEEL something when they look at your art. They want an escape or a memory. Or some beauty. To feel like they’re really living and experiencing a moment through your art.

The thing about developing your own style is that there is a big difference in the woman who develops her own artistic voice, and the woman who doesn’t.

I’ll talk about this type of woman here in this video, and how to get there…

If you’d like to learn more:

Watch my free Master Class here on The 5 Steps Creative Women are Using to go from Dabbling, to Consistently and Confidently Producing Professional Quality Paintings that can Sell. (Even if art has only been a hobby up until now.)

Join my Transform Your Art Facebook group here.

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