Choosing the Right Art for Your Home
Here are 10 Tips to help you choose the right piece of art for your home or room
1. Buy what you love, pick from your heart. Art is something you’ll be investing in and looking at for a long time. It should never be a piece that you like. It should be a piece that you love.
2. Art is a place to express yourself. It doesn’t have to follow the palettes of your décor.
3. Get to know the artist by visiting openings, or reading up about them on their website. You can also follow their social media, such as instagram, to see their latest works and a peek into their lives. Or join their email list for a more intimate view.
4. It doesn’t have to match the room – in fact, it’s most fun to build the room around the art. However, when this isn’t possible, consider comparing and contrasting elements of the art with the room, so it makes a statement.
5. Use art to tell a story in your home. What you buy should feel true to you, so have fun with it. Match fine art, high-end pieces with edgier art from the street. Tell the story of YOU, what you love, and where you’ve been.
“When you place art in your home there is only one opinion that matters: yours. If it’s a shocking or edgy image, it will be remembered.” - Daniel Kinkade
6. If you love an artist, but can’t find the right piece, always ask them to make a custom piece for you. You are supporting the arts, AND getting art that you LOVE.
7. Go out of your comfort zone by getting excited about new materials, learning about a process you are not familiar with, or a new artist. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, artists love to talk about their work.
8. How do you want the room to feel? Relaxing, clean, cultural? If you want a fun, energetic party room, pick out colorful works that are bold. If you want it to be uplifting, choose works that inspire you. Or for a more soothing feeling, choose softer subjects and color palettes. The art is what pulls the room together.
9. Pick the piece you love the most, and make this the anchor point for the room. Wrap your treasured pieces around this.
10. In the end, it’s your happiness that matters most when you enter your room. Choose art that brings you joy.
Bonus Tips on Budget
If you want to purchase a great piece of art, but don’t want to spend too much money, consider a stretch canvas print. Check if an artist you love makes these from their originals. If they have a good quality photograph taken of their art, the quality can be fabulous, and the price, much lower than an original, especially for larger pieces.
Don’t be afraid to ask an artist for a discount. Often artists will give 10% off. And if you’re lucky, you can sometimes get older pieces for an even more deeply discounted price. Artists work hard to make a living, and if you catch them at the right time, it can be a good deal for everyone.
If you really love a piece, it can be worth it to spend the full price on the original piece. Watch the artist and see if they continue their career and are committed. If so, the piece may even be a good investment.
I hope you've enjoyed these tips! Contact me here if you are interested in purchasing a painting for your home. OR see what's available here, including sizes and prices.