Welcome to the Artist Mindset Blog

Lessons for the heart-expanding Artist.

August 3, 2021

How Your Habits are Crushing Your Painting

I spoke with a lovely woman this week who hadn’t painted in years. Instead, she got up everyday and did the laundry and dishes instead. She wanted to paint badly – to share beauty and joy with the world. She had a wonderful family and other creative outlets who enjoyed, […]
July 11, 2021

Tuning into greater inspiration for your art

A lot of time I hear women saying they can’t take time for themselves or their Art because there’s so much going on in their lives. But for Artists, taking care of ourselves is literally our JOB. It’s how we “fill our tank” to tune into greater inspiration to our […]
June 26, 2021

The 5 Step Roadmap to Make Paintings You Love for the Rest of Your Life

 Hello Beautiful Artist! Did you miss my LIVE class last week? If you want to start making paintings you LOVE for the rest of your life, don’t miss this powerful, life-changing VIDEO…  Click here to watch This VIDEO is for YOU if … You’re resisting doing anything for yourself […]
June 7, 2021

When You’re Insecure about your Art Ability

 Hello beautiful Artist! Insecurity can keep you stuck or frozen in your art, and not able to create your best paintings. What holds you back for two years or twenty years with your art is not technique – it’s your mindset.  And you’ll know because you’ve taken all the […]
October 5, 2019

Going From a Long Term Challenge to Being an Empowered Artist

 This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality If you’ve been in a long-term challenging time, it can be hard to get back into the flow of your art. We recently had a woman in our Facebook group who had been […]
September 22, 2019

Are You Living in Your Joyful, Creative Place?

 This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality I was just talking with a woman who had not painted in six years. She had breast cancer, and had gone through a few tough years. Her energy had been zapped, and although […]
September 7, 2019

Painting with Wild Abandon

 This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality If you’re not painting with wild abandon, what are you waiting for? Is it calling you? Do you have that nagging voice that you could be making amazing, gorgeous, sought-after paintings that move […]
August 15, 2019

Why Asking for Advice is Not Advancing Your Art

 This video is taken from my facebook group, Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality Women love to ask others for advice on their paintings … “What should I do next?” “Is it finished?” “Do you think anyone will buy it?” I’m seeing a lot of this in […]
June 23, 2019

Are you stuck in your day job, dreaming of your art?

 Did you choose a career path over your art? Maybe everyone told you it wasn’t possible to make money with art. And now, decades later you’ve found success at work, and maybe raised a beautiful family, but are you longing for this one piece of yourself that was set […]