Welcome to the Artist Mindset Blog

Lessons for the heart-expanding Artist.

September 22, 2024

From Zero to Artist in 8 Months: Paula’s Wild Creative Ride

Paula Stephens spent years helping others—working as a Buddhist Chaplain, supporting military personnel with mental health challenges, and guiding women in prison. But after all that time giving, she realized she had been helping everyone else, and it was time to fill her own cup. That’s when she decided to […]
August 11, 2024

How to Paint Expressive Brush Strokes

A couple people have been asking me how to make more expressive, or “painterly” brush strokes. So I made this fun video for you! Watch as I use a few different brushes to create mood, movement and color with luscious brush strokes. In this free art tutorial, you’ll learn: how […]
August 4, 2024

What to do when you lose your painting mojo

Today an artist friend emailed me and said she lost her mojo this week. There’s construction going on outside her home, she’s having some physical pain, and she doesn’t have enough room to paint. It’s getting her down and making it hard to paint. Losing your mojo is a common […]
July 21, 2024

Before & After: Rochelle’s Painting Transformation + Sneak Peek into My Mentoring Program

Each week, I help my students break through “stuck spots” in their paintings. Today, I’m thrilled to give you an exclusive sneak peek into how I do this, so you can see firsthand how personalized feedback can elevate your paintings from good to great! (Unlike other art instructors who may […]
June 17, 2024

Paint Your Summer … Inspirations to Spark Your Painting

Right now it’s almost Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year. It’s the time to connect with your highest joy and express the summer beauty you’re seeing all around you with paint! Here are some inspirations to spark your summer paintings … All around you everywhere there is […]
January 23, 2024

Colorado Mixed Media Painting Retreat This June 2024!

Thank you for waiting for soooo long, I am sooo excited to share with you that it’s OPEN! My 2024 Colorado Mixed Media Painting Retreat! Early bird pricing is available until March 7. Spots are LIMITED and are already filling, so don’t wait… Here are all the glorious details! I’ve designed this exclusive […]
January 8, 2024

6 Game-Changing Practices to Be an Amazing Artist this Year

You deserve to create your most amazing Art this year and really feel like a recognized and loved Artist.💖 And I love supporting creative women like you. Which is why I created this coaching video to give you the 6 GAME CHANGING practices I teach my students, to create BIG success […]
December 11, 2023

How Carla Manifested Huge Art Success – and You Can Too!

Carla and I worked together a 2 years ago and she created this amazing collection of paintings and developed a very textured, colorful unique style. She is super into painting animals and sea life from the Pacific Northwest where she lives. People love her work. She’s sold a bunch of […]
November 12, 2023

How to carve out moments for your artistic soul

I’ve been creating LOTS of new paintings and listening to what my heart wants lately more than ever. Connecting with my Art is my true guide. This means that whatever is happening in my life, good or bad, everything feels right when I’m creating. Sometimes I see women who are […]
November 5, 2023

The Power of Believing in Yourself as an Artist

Did you ever notice that when your energy and happiness are low, that it feels like nothing’s going well? It’s a common law of the universe that when you’re UP things go well, and when you’re DOWN, things feel like kinda bad. What you focus on, you draw into your […]
September 16, 2023

How to Switch from Comparing to Sharing Your Art!

I was watching a video with Hawaiian wise man Ke’oni Hanalei this week, and he was talking about how we compare ourselves to others. It was really beautiful, because as Artists this is something that can really shut us down. For example, have you ever been perusing instagram or youtube […]
June 26, 2023

Don’t make this Devastating art mistake – Listening to this will change your life

I keep hearing women making this one devastating mistake with their art. Many women fill up their day with the smaller things, feeling overwhelmed with cleaning and things that are less important than their art. This steals your life energy and leaves you with no time or bandwidth to be […]