The Importance of Believing in Yourself as an Artist

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The Importance of Believing in Yourself as an Artist

Believing in Yourself as an Artist

This video is taken from my facebook group , Transform Your Art from Dabbling to Professional Quality.

“The reason you are here is because of the contribution you have to offer”. – Oprah

What is it you believe about yourself, deep down? … your heartfelt purpose, that is going to make you feel truly fulfilled in life?

Your belief in yourself is the most fundamental ingredient an artist must possess.

If you don’t believe in your art, you won’t have what it takes to make your most beautiful paintings, and live your most fulfilling life.

If you believe you’re a mediocre artist you’ll create these pathways in your brain, and keep reinforcing this belief about yourself.

Each of you has a creative gift, or you would not be here. If you have a deep purpose in you, and you aren’t using it, you aren’t living your biggest life.

… And the key to living your purpose, is believing in yourself.

A lot of us didn’t get the reinforcement that we needed from our surroundings growing up, to really believe we are capable of greatness. If this is you, the trick is to notice that thought every time you have it: “I’m doubting my ability again,” and replace it with a new thought: “I’m capable of making great art”.

If you have any doubt that you are capable of greatness, remember …

“You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the start, and you have a right to be here.”  – Max Ehrmann

I believe all of you are here because you want to use your greatest gifts, and live your biggest life. In this video, I’ll give you my tips for HOW TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF as an artist, and why it’s so important.

With love and creativity,

ps. Scroll down to see some beautiful words from my most recent grads …


transform Your art - kellie day transform Your art - kellie day


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