VIDEO: 6 Steps to Rediscovering Your Long Term Happiness through Art
August 23, 2018
VIDEO: Developing Your Voice as an Artist
September 7, 2018Yesterday was my birthday, and we disappeared into the high mountain lakes above Moab, Utah and slept under the stars.
It was an incredibly rejuvenating weekend, and much needed. These trips are my happy place, and my inspiration for art.
My goal has always been to live my life in the most beautiful way possible. And I have found this is the doorway to creativity, and fulfillment.
It’s so easy to let all the necessities of survival take precedence in life. Until, years later many people realize they haven’t done the things they’ve always dreamed of.
Truly living the life of your dreams means constantly choosing your heart. Even when it isn’t the right time, or the right circumstances.
In fact, when your life goes to hell is when you need to choose what your heart wants the most. To ignore this for an elongated period of time adds up, very simply, to a life that is just existing, and eventually becomes sadness and illness.
So I’m here to be the little bird in your ear today, on this holiday, this day of relaxation, and say…
“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
The choice is ALL yours. It’s completely up to you if you will take the sometimes uncomfortable steps to make your life the richest it can be, or to continue down the victim reality that life just won’t allow your dream right now. Which will you choose?
Here are some of the VERY uncomfortable things I’ve done in order to live my life as an artist, and continue to live life to the fullest:
• spend money I know I shouldn’t on art supplies
• put trips on the credit card (and later pay them off)
• leave my son when he was young for a week to take an art workshop that fulfilled my heart
• skip work to go on adventures because I knew I was crumbling and had to put my health and happiness first (many times)
• said “No” to my loved one’s wishes because my intuition said I needed to take care of myself
• sign up for a nauseatingly expensive program because I knew I couldn’t advance my career without help
And here’s the thing: whatever you put your energy into, you will get back.
Every time I have put energy into my happiness and my art, it has expanded my life 100-fold. One heartfelt and brave choice at a time, until I can look back and say, “I have led a heart-felt life, loved deeply, given deeply, and lived my creative abilities to the fullest”.
And all of this is done with one simple step at a time. One foot in front of the other.
“We can do no great things.
Only small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
So today, I am sending this out to YOU, to say that I hope that you will also choose yourself, and your heart, so that YOU can live your greatest life. All it takes is valuing yourself enough to DECIDE to take action, stop thinking about it, and start doing it. Don’t wait another minute and let life get in the way.
I want you to have the greatest JOY you can possibly have, and to learn how to use your greatest gift, and then go out and share it with the world. And I can show you how… because I’ve done it myself, and for countless other women in the last decade.
Schedule a FREE Breakthrough Art Call with me to talk about how you can start living your dream as the CREATIVE GODDESS you know you were meant to be!
But only if:
* You are ready to do something different than you have been doing and are ready to do it NOW! You are done gathering information and trying to do it yourself and fix it alone, and are committed to taking action and ending your state of putting everything else in front of your art.
* You are Coachable and open to having a real conversation about where you are stuck so I can truly help you.
* You know you were meant to be a Creative Goddess for the REST of your life, and ready to make it happen now.
If that sounds like you, then this call is for you. CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE
Choose you and choose your heART!
Big hug,