Art Success Stories from Brave, Creative Women

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Art Success Stories from Brave, Creative Women

Art success stories from brave creative women

I’m about to show you some very brave creative women.

These women were able to go from years of not painting much, (because they were raising family or had careers) to being professional-quality artists and showing and selling.

In a very short time all of them began making paintings that brought them great joy.

They gained a creative community that supported them.

And they began to believe in themselves as Artists.

But before I show you some of their stories, you’re probably wondering if you can do this too. …

Here are the 4 things that enabled these women to become a professional quality Artists: (Spoiler – it’s not about raw talent)

  1. They decided to prioritize reconnecting with their Art.
  2. They searched for resources to help them achieve it.
  3. They invested time, money, and effort to achieve their artistic dreams.
  4. The accepted challenges along the way and kept going.

(If you have those 4-success traits, I can help you do this too. You can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here).

All the success stories below are really incredible, because MANY women never reach their dreams because of these reasons:

  1. They’re scared they’re not good enough – (Mentoring tip: feel the fear and do it anyway)
  2. They avoid stretching themselves mentally or financially – (Mentoring tip: Trust yourself that you can do this and it will pay off in years of happiness and success. Because if you keep going, it will.)
  3. When the going gets tough, they stop working at it – (Mentoring tip: successful people keep going)
  4. Opportunities knock, but they hesitate to answer – (Mentoring tip: people who are able to make decisions quickly are more successful)

Are you ready to move past these things that limit you so you can be an Artist for the REST OF YOUR LIFE? If so, read on to hear the success stories, and how YOU can do this too…

If these women can do it, so can you …

Diane lost her father and began working with me shortly after. She kept painting and working on discovering her voice, even while her heart was healing. She did her first show last year:

Barbara began working with me when she was about to retire from teaching 30 years. Now she finds incredible joy creating, and sharing her paintings with people she loves. She just entered her first show and her painting sold! …

Maureen and Cathy,  Two of my students from Canada met up in real life and went gallery hopping! Having an artist community, and positive people to support you is important for Artists:

Kate is one of the most determined students I’ve had. She made a lot of beautiful paintings, but she also worked very hard to develop her voice and get over her self doubts. Her unwavering commitment led to her first solo exhibition this year! …

Cecelia is one of my hardest-working students. She had a limiting belief that people would not pay much for Art where she lived. We worked together to go beyond her limiting belief, and to connect with new galleries. She created many paintings, developed her voice, and in May is doing a one-person show at her new gallery!

Diane is a student I really admire. From time to time after we worked together, she would reach out to me and let me know she was struggling with the slow times that Artists sometimes have. But she persisted, and now has been in 5 galleries! My heart sings when I see her so happy:

I know this was a long email, but I hope it inspired you. If you have those 4-success traits above, reach out to me, and I can help you do this too. You can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here.

I’ll help you find out where you’re stuck, and what you need to move forward. And if I can help you get there, I’ll show you what that looks like. (Please don’t book a call with me if you’re just looking for free information.) These calls are for women who are ready to get the support to live their lives as Artists. If that’s you, I’d love to talk with you
Talk with you soon!

PS. Scroll down and leave a comment if this inspired you, or share your story!

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