WORKSHOP – Paint Holiday Gifts with Me LIVE
November 30, 2020
Why talent doesn't matter in art
Why Talent doesn’t Matter in Art
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WORKSHOP – Paint Holiday Gifts with Me LIVE
November 30, 2020
Why talent doesn't matter in art
Why Talent doesn’t Matter in Art
December 7, 2020
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Your Art can be your Saving Grace this Winter

art can be your saving grace this winter

This winter we have an opportunity to become butterflies, and emerge from this home-bound cocoon as Artists with wings in 2021.

It’s a tough time for many women right now, with nowhere to go, not as many friends to see, and not as much to do. It’s easy to sit, feel down, uninspired, eat more, watch more, and get into a funk.

But a few women are making a decision to use this as a transformative time in their lives. Like my student Robin…..

“I’m not cut out for this”, Robin told me. She’s at home, homeschooling her daughters. They don’t like learning on zoom, she wants to be out and be social! Does this ring a bell?

And then she said…

“Right now, my Art is my saving grace. It’s what’s getting me through this, and it’s what’s going to get me through this winter. I’m doing my art every spare moment, and I’m getting it out there and selling it!”

YOUR art can be YOUR saving grace this winter too! It can be what gets you through these home-bound days and keeps you not only sane, but experiencing happiness!

We are going to have to do what we have to do to thrive this winter, and I want you to know that your art can be your saving grace this winter too!

Yet despite all the successes Robin is having now, just a year ago she was not doing her Art. She thinking about it.

She knew she was an artist, she could feel it. But she couldn’t get started. Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • She couldn’t get what’s in her head onto canvas.
  • She wanted to feel supported.
  • She had fears of her paintings not coming out right, so it was hard to even begin.

There were also million reasons not to start her art. Health reasons, money reasons, lack of time reasons. Yet all of these reasons were costing her her happiness, and her excitement for living.

 “I didn’t want to just exist, I wanted to thrive.”

Year after year Robin kept thinking about her art. And in February 2020 she decided it was time to turn her EXCUSES into OPPORTUNITIES. She didn’t want to let another year go by.

In February of 2020 Robin got on the phone with me. With the support, community, and tools she needed, she began living her life as an artist within six weeks.

You might think six weeks sounds impossible. But she made one shift that changed everything very quickly for her: her life completely shifted to being an artist when she went from thinking about it, to doing it.

Robin had been trying for a while on her own, but wasn’t able to go further with her art. **This happens to SO many women**. Once she got the got the support she needs, it all came into place.

“I began trusting myself as an artist. Not comparing myself to anyone else. Knowing that my artistic voice has value and that there is a place for me to express it. I feel a level of confidence as an artist that I never have felt before… I am developing a consistent work time for my art, and letting myself play more while making art.”

And now she is selling her Art too. Even during covid times.

You can start living your life as an artist too and letting your art be your saving grace this winter.

Did 2020 go by for you, without making many paintings? (Or any?). If you don’t want to let another year go by, I can help.

I have opened up a few times on our calendar in the next few days, and you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with us. We’ll get on the phone with you, help you discover what’s holding you back in your Art, and get a plan for what you need to move forward.

We all need support to take our passion to the next level, and we are here for you if you’re ready.

Please do not book a call with us if you are just looking for free information. These calls are only for woman who are ready to make their Art Dream happen now.

If that’s you, we’d love to talk with you! You can book your call at

Kellie Day mixed media artist
ps. Scroll down to read words from some of my latest students …

andrea review of kellie day art program

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