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Art is not All or Nothing

art is not all or nothing

One of my wise students had this realization in our Group call this week: Art is not All or Nothing.

This realization was so important for her because she finally understood you don’t have to make a major painting or have a major success in order to make Art. You just have to DO SOMETHING.

I want to tell you a story about a woman I spoke with who was working very hard and had some serious health problems. She was also seriously unhappy. She wanted to make her Art for years, but she kept going on the same habits of going to work and keeping her life in order. 

Finally she talked with me. She was reaching out for elp. But in the end she didn’t want to spend money to learn how to finally start living her life as an Artist. She was so worried that her family business would fall apart if she did something for herself.

It was more important to her to not spend a dime or a minute on herself, even if it killed her. Which it slowly was. It was slowly making her body ill to live that life, and it was killing her spirit.

What she didn’t realize was that Art is not an All or Nothing thing. Making art doesn’t mean you have to give up the family business and go broke. 

In fact it’s quite the opposite. When women are happier and healthier, their businesses actually do better. And guess what? They’re better family members and better mothers too.

“A responsible mother is not one who slowly dies for her children, but one who shows them how to fully live.”

We were put on this Earth to create beauty. To lift ourselves up so that we can lift others up with us. To use our greatest gifts, not to let them wither. 

For some reason that woman felt we were put here to live a mundane, clock-punching life that slowly kills us. And that was so sad.

Making your Art a bigger part of your life does not mean neglecting your life. It means you make beauty as you live your life.

Making Art means you learn to have a balance in your life of SERVICE and BEAUTY.

My student realized you’re not a bad person if you take time for yourself, and tell your children or business that you’ll be making Art for the next two hours. 

(As long as you believe that you’re living a mediocre life).

And this is what my wise student realized. She was not being a bad mother to take time for her Art. Instead, her children started noticing that her Art was important to her, and giving her this time. They were happy for her that SHE was happier. 

And best of all, she was modeling a happier life for her children.

So no, Art is not All or Nothing. 

  • It’s learning to make your life happier.
  • Using your gifts
  • Feeling more alive and delighted as you go through your day
  • Creating a calmer, more balanced and inspired life
  • … and teaching this to everyone you love by DOING.

If your life is out of balance and you want to make your painting a bigger part of your life NOW (because the women who keep thinking about it go years without doing their Art)

And you want to learn a recipe and a plan for HOW to make paintings joyfully, and use your gifts, we’ve opened up some times this week on our calendar for an Art Breakthrough Call. You can get on the phone with us and we’ll find out what’s holding you back and help you discover what you need to move forward with living your Art dream.

So if that’s you, you can book your call at KellieDayArt.com/booking. Please note: These calls are not for everyone. They are for women who are ready to live their lives as Artists now, and get the support you need to do that. Do not book a call with us if you are just looking for free information.

If you’re ready now, we’d love to talk with you! You can book your call at KellieDayArt.com/booking

With love and support,

Kellie Day mixed media artist

ps. Click here to see reviews from my graduates


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