Colorado Mountain Art Retreat LIVE Q & A
February 14, 2020
Quickie Art Projects to Lift You Up
March 18, 2020If you’re having questions about what’s going on in these turbulent times, it can feel a little anxiety ridden. You can feel ungrounded, or disjointed from your inner calm and creative spirit.
Right now, more than ever, it’s so important to turn to our Art for Solace and Joy.
If you neglect that part of you that is creative, and you neglect connecting to your creative, you can experience these anxiety-ridden times as something that really tosses you around and makes you feel frantic.
All this craziness affects us more than we wish –
– You feel more fear, more uneasiness
– You don’t take the time and steps to connect to that part of you that is your true compass, your true North
– There’s a lack of feeling grounded, and feeling peaceful, like everything is going to be OK.
Despite all of this, women still aren’t turning to their Art because they don’t feel good enough, or they don’t know how to get started in a playful way.
… And if you’re tired from all the news chaos, and school and event closings, you don’t have energy to express your Art.
The truth is that everything is a little bit easier to handle when you have that connection to what makes you happy, and fulfills your spirit. When you know exactly what to do to wake up each day and live your life as an artist, you begin living a more inspired life.
Your art is EXACTLY what can ground you and keep you in touch with that beautiful life in these uncertain times – and nothing can take away from you.
** You have a clear path so you are not being tossed by the news and the uncertainty.
** You know how to get in your art studio and get in your creative flow, which is where your joy is.
** And that’s when things make a lot more sense. Because you know exactly what you are supposed to be doing on this Earth, and you’re grounded.
I see all these wonderful things happen to my students they once they make this shift, so I know it can happen for you too.
Here’s what happens when you connect with that Artist that has always been inside of you:
– You have a clear process with your Art so you know where you are going and not floundering.
– You can handle difficult times more gracefully.
– You know how to stay connected to your joy in times of ups and downs.
– There’s so much more excitement and purpose for living.
– You get out of your self-doubts and tap into your greatest art ability.
– Most of all, you get out of that mind frame of “Am I good enough?” and into that mind frame of, “I know I have something special to offer in this world.”
And this is what the world needs most of all right now – for you to stop hiding and start shining.
If you know this is you, and you want to connect to your inner calm and creative soul within you, I can help you.
If you’re ready to get all the excuses out of the way, and take action to create your life as an Artist, I am offering a few Art Breakthrough Calls this week to women who are committed to living their lives as Artists.
We’ll get on the phone for about an hour and find out where you’re stuck in your art, and get a plan for what you need to move forward. If that’s you, you can book a call with me.
Please do NOT book a call with me if you are just looking for free information. These calls are only for women who are ready to do the work it takes to create real lives of beauty – and be the artist they always knew they were.
Talk with you soon!
ps. See some words from my latest grad below…