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The Art–Spirit Connection, an Interview with Artist Robert Weatherford
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VIDEO: Art Ideas for Rainy Days

Art ideas for rainy days

Here are some painting clips to expand your thinking and lift you up on rainy days. Get new perspective, evolve your work, get in the flowww, and delight in your creative process!

It’s rainy out today, and a perfect day to paint! When life gets dreary I always feel like a have a secret enchanted place deep within me – knowing I can access my Art at any time. It’s not for anyone else, just for my own pure happiness.

Many people don’t have a secret enchanted place within them, where they can go to feel elated, and full of purpose. Somehow knowing this, and having my Art, makes life feel like there’s always something to look forward to. And most of all, that I’m living for more than just the grind.

If you’re not in this fantastic place,  remember life is here to be lived, loved and celebrated. To live fully and use our abilities to the highest. To allow happiness. To lift up those around us and add beauty to the world. That’s our job and our purpose as Artists!

Remember to allow happiness.

If this rainy day is getting you down, here are a few fun video clips of paintings in progress – may they give you happiness and inspiration!

Enjoy the video!


Kellie Day mixed media artist

PS. If you’re tired of feeling dreary and want support getting your Art up and running to a NEW EXCITING level, you can  Book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here. These calls are for women who are ready to evolve your painting now, invest in yourself, and live fully as a creative person. If that’s you, I look forward to talking with you!

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