Your 4-Step Plan to a Successful Art Life
August 22, 2020
Do You Feel Guilty Making Art?
September 3, 2020A lot of people have had trauma and I wanted to speak to that today, because I’ve found Art is incredibly healing for trauma.
Trauma can show up in a lot of different forms:
– For example, I’ve worked with a lot of artist’s who’ve had abusive mothers. OR parents who’ve told them they’ll never be able to make their Art happen.
– Trauma can show up as serious Health Conditions. Like living with cancer, Fibromyalgia, or having surgeries.
– Many creative women have experienced great loss – like the loss of a loved one – or a suicide in the family.
– Sometimes this loss also takes the form of a divorce, which is how I began my Art journey.
Unaddressed, or as I like to say, unloved trauma affects our entire lives.
If we don’t nurture our wounds, see them and love them into healing, we will carry them as a weight the rest of our lives. They will affect our self-esteem. Our ability to live our greatest lives. Our relationships. And most of all our health.
A lot of people with trauma start out with Therapy. Therapy is an important step in verbally processing trauma.
( I am NOT a therapist.) Therapy is talking, working things out in our minds verbally, which is very important.
If you are a creative person, Art is the next level of therapy.
Making Art is a physical – spiritual connection. It teaches the body and mind to connect with the soul, and to come together in union to take action and create something.
The act of making Art moves your body through the motion of creating, nudging you to develop “creative muscles” as you go through the process:
1. Inspiration– getting an idea for what you want to create
2. Creating – gathering materials and beginning to MAKE something
3. Challenge – of moving through the process physically and mentally
4. Problem solving – on how to complete the work of Art.
5. Delight – of having made something of your very own
This very sacred process IS the next level of therapy for creative people. Moving through this process is what leads to GROWTH and CONFIDENCE in a budding Artist.
The result of putting yourself into ACTION with Art, instead of just thinking about Art, is that you go through this process, and begin to heal your spirit.
And nobody can do this but you.
• One of my students just sent me an email that said, “I believe something is spiritually shifting in my Art as I take my rightful place as and artist… doors are opening and people are attracted to my art… I am selling paintings.
• People who create art tell me they are kinder to themselves, that they are more confident – not just as an artist, but in other areas of their lives.
• Another student said, “a whole new world of processing, expressing and release is occurring for me. It’s been true gift… “
• These women are happier when they’re creating because they are tapping into the Art that has always been inside of them, and this is incredibly rewarding.
• One student said that after beginning to paint again she “overcame the mental barriers of fear and insecurity and worthiness” that was keeping her from her Art..
… These things affect our whole lives, and enable these women to walk more completely and happily through the rest of their lives.
Whether you have had trauma or not, if you want to open up new doors in YOUR art, and step into your life as a joyful Artist, you can book an Art Breakthrough Call with us at kelliedayart.com/booking
We offer these calls to women who are ready to take their Art to the next level now, and get the support they need to start living their lives joyfully as Artists. If that’s you, we’d love to talk with you!
ps. Scroll down to see words from my latest Students and Graduates…