Put Your Unique Voice in Your Art
March 12, 2021
The Most Important Shift to Making Unique Art
March 26, 2021
Hi creative lady,
Were you told not to pursue your Art because you couldn’t make a living at it?
Let me be clear:
There is making money … and there is making Art.
*They are not the same thing.*
>The purpose of Making Art is to fill your soul, and the soul of others
> The purpose of Making money is to fill the pocket book, and is an entirely different skill set.
The problem with not understanding these differences, is that many women QUIT MAKING ART – or never give themselves a chance – because they feel they have to make money with it.
The real freedom occurs when you begin to create Art for the sheer enjoyment of it.
If you find that old myth of needing to make a living with your Art is holding you back, here are some truths that will set you free…
- Just because you’re not skilled at marketing doesn’t mean you’re not skilled at making Art.
- Making money is a very different skill than making Art. Some people don’t have this skill, and some people don’t want it.
- Women who have business skills, particularly entrepreneurs, can have a lot of success making money with their Art.
- Women who DON’T have business skills, can have a lot of JOY making Art. Ask yourself what you need more: to make money with your Art, or to live a happier life CREATING?
- Lots of women make money at selling paintings, and are happy about it. Even if it’s not a full time living, it can be very rewarding when people want to buy your Art.
- Making money with Art can take a long time to evolve into a full time living. Although my students often sell their paintings, making a full time living is a different ball game, which requires you spending a great deal of time on the business end. Do you really want that?
- If you have a poverty mindset, ie: “I can’t afford to spend money on my Art supplies, classes, etc.”, you will not attract a lot of wealth. You have to believe in yourself enough to be willing to invest in your Art.
- The more committed you are to your Art, the more success you’ll have. If you only put your toe in, expect the universe to not take your Art seriously.
- The moment you fully commit to your Art, doors begin to open for you.
I see women all the time who want to reconnect with their childhood Artist inside.
Many of them feel sad that so many years and decades have gone by since they’ve allowed themselves to experience the joy of creating much Art. If you are one of these women, and money has been holding you back, NOW IS THE TIME to separate your beliefs around money and Art.
There comes a point in life where you realize in your bones that your Art means a lot to you.
Today is not the same as when you were growing up. You don’t have to make a living from your Art.
Your Art is here to feed your soul. And if you dare to make Art, it will feed the soul of others as well.
Once women let go of their false Art & money beliefs, and reconnect with the Artist inside of them, they experience the incredible feeling of accomplishment and purpose. They experience the deep satisfaction of finishing paintings they like, that come from their own creative voice.
To see your own voice on canvas is an incredible feeling of self-validation. To see this is to know that you matter. From there, everything in life feels happier and more in balance.
It’s the different between REALLY LIVING, and just existing.
Creating Art is about so much more than making an income (which it can become with time and business skills). If you have a creative calling, Art is a necessity for happiness. It is joy, it’s expressing who you are, and it’s finally feeling really really alive.
If you are ready to let go of old false money beliefs and begin fully living your life as an Artist, I can help… I’ve set aside a few openings on our calendar in the next few days to talk with women who are ready to make their unique voice shine THIS YEAR. If that’s you, you can book a call with us at kelliedayart.com/booking.
Please note these calls are for women who are ready to get the support they need to start creating the art they’ve always wanted, NOW. (Please don’t book a call with us if you are just looking for free information.) If you want to answer your creative calling, we can show you how to make it happen by booking your call here.
Say YES to your dream today.
Happy painting!
p.s. Scroll down to see a few words from my most recent grads…
Great video Kellie! You made me realize it is about choices and right now, I chose to feed my sole by spending more time in the studio creating artwork!