Reawakening her Creative Spirit with her Dream Art Show – an Interview with Mischelle Davis
August 2, 2023
How to Take Your Painting from GOOD to GREAT
August 29, 2023One of the loveliest things in life is being in the creative flow. You know, when you lose track of time and get lost in painting for hours?
This week and I taught women in Telluride Colorado how to paint mixed media song birds. We only had an afternoon, but the sun was out. The aspen trees were above us, and the women painted and laughed.
And the one predominant thing was that everyone was in a creative flow.
When it came time to paint, the ladies were engrossed in putting paint to canvas.
They embellished their canvases and birds with bits of origami papers and gold.
They popped their heads up now and then for a quick question or bit of conversation, but by the end of the day, everyone had experienced the creative flow.
They were also happy. There’s nothing like the delight of putting paint brush and paint down, and moving beautiful colors around on canvas. … And being so in the moment.
What the creative flow offers us is a chance to interact with life in a deep and fulfilling way. To create is one of our biggest callings, and to be able to answer that is a gift. Not only to us, but a gift we get to share with others.
If you’re missing an element of joy or fulfillment in your life, ask yourself, is your creative flow being answered?… Or is it whispering in your ear and asking for its turn?
So often women push it behind everything else in life, and then it is deeply missed.
To do the dance of creating is what we’re all here for. We are surrounded by color and shape and movement and so much beauty and joy. We are here to celebrate it – and Art is how many of us are called to do that.
Don’t let another day go by without listening to your creative flow, and answering it.
If you’re not sure how to get back into your creative flow, my superpower is helping women like you.
Everything is inside you, waiting to be let out. … Only YOU can say yes.
So if you want to go deeper and know how to get up every morning to know exactly what to do to make beautiful paintings, with your own voice, and express the beauty you have inside you, I can help.
You can book an Art Breakthrough Call with me here. I help women get back into their creative flow, and go from dabbling to professional quality painting with their own voice. But you have to be ready to say YES to your Art, and be committed and ready to invest in yourself.
If that’s you, and you don’t want to wait any longer, I can’t wait to talk with you.
Creatively yours,
PS. Scroll down and see what some of my latest students have to say …